Brief catch up

Oct 04, 2006 22:59's been a hectic couple of days and I feel the need to write everything on an internet page so that my life will be more fulfilled.

Anyhow, Friday night we trekked it to London for my 21st. I was corseted up so that I couldn't really breathe but had made the effort to wear so shoes that weren't trainers...even if they were flat with about as much heel as a snail has. But the point is I looked vaguley lady-like so I was happy...ohh and sophie brought me an amazing present consisting of many little perfumes that made me coat smell nice from being in my pocket.

Anyhow loads of people came that I loved and hadn't seen for years in some cases, so to have everyone together was pretty damn cool.

By the time we made it to the club I was getting on for quite drunk...and it didn;t take long for me to be completly obliterated.

Anyhow from what I can remeber the club was really had cage dancers who made me laugh...a lot but I can't remeber why. Samsam told me one of them had celulite and she thinks that was why i was in hysterics...i think i was just drunk.

I can't actually remeber where the time went or how i ended up on the train...oh by which point I was also in floods of tears, which happens when i get too drunk and vaguly unsettled.
What was funny from then on was that I couldn't really remeber why I was crying or why I was suddenly on a train in a toilet with Sophie with some guy banging on the door.

The next big thig was to discover all the burger kings in the world (and there are atleats 5 across Reading) were closed....this should have been a good indicaiton to me that it was gone 3 in the morning and the hope of finding a takeaway were slim...we gave up walking and jumped in a cab.
By the time we got home I was falling asleep....but still tried to play my guitar to the house (any anybody else within hearing) before Jon managed to liturally fight it off me and hide it on the floor out of my eyeline.

Needless to say I woke up with a serious hangover and was being sick (I blame the orange that was with the vodka...Soph you were right) and I had to cart myself home.
All was good though as I was spoilt by mum all weekend and it was nice tosee them all. Alice broke up with ANOTHER boyfriend but knowing her she will be onto someone else by next week...young love!

Got back home sunday night ready to leave for Devon the next day. We went to see Jon's mum and spend a day with her (yes roast dinner again!) and then went to meet Jon's dad (for the first time argh!) in Devon where he owns the most gorgeous rare plant nursery with a river running through it with little ducks and stuff. He took us out a couple of times and refused to let us pay for anything. He was a really nice guy which was good as I was slightly worrid that I wouldn't be seen as a good enough girlfriend for his son or something...i think i was over worrying as usual.

Got home and have had pizza and re-enrolled for uni (yay) so am now just chilling out and writting long blogs. It's been a busy few days!
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