Dec 29, 2006 05:31
Well another Christmas has come and gone and despite having much more to do it was
My mother is sick as hell so she couldn't really prepare our traditional Christmas brunch as she would infect the family with what she has (by the way I already have a very mild version of it. Merry Christmas to me) So Erin and I prepped all the brunch and did a halfway decent job...except the potatoe casserole... that got screwed up royally. Something about not boiling before they were cut up or some crap like that. All I know is instead of having a yummy potatoe casserole we had this gelatinous goop that was hardly to completely not edible.
We also have what I have lovelingly called the Spikey Spiny Christmas Tree of Death. We got it free because the Boy Scouts couldn't sell it and left it in the bank parking lot. Mom picked it up (somehow) and brought it home. I cut the stump so it would fit in the house and was attacked by spikey spiny tree branches. It looks and smells lovely, but I believe it performed an unwilling vasectomy and I am unable to bear children now.
But that was about the only negative things that happened for the Christmas portion of the holiday. I scored 3/3 of my random family DVD picks this year as opposed to the usual 1/3. it's the first time since I started my little tradition of walking around FYE until I find movies I feel my siblings and mother would like that I have actually found movies they all like. I was shocked and I think they were more so.
Santa "surprised" me with a Gamecube to keep with my habit of buying systems as they are being cycled out. Hurray for the arrival of the Wii! I've already beat three of the 11 games I got. and I shall soon be starting on the Prince of Persia series. I also finally got my digital photo frame! Woot! But it has to go back because it has a dead pixel in the upper right part and dead pixels spread like cancer. so I'll be getting a new one soonish.
Anna is in town and I shall be seeing her later know...once I go to sleep.
Little Women is now over. Me no longer gainfully (or as gainfully as one can be in theater) at Blackfriars. They all did an amazing amazing job and I was very happy for all of them.
Hockey team is doing rather well. I think we're 9-1-1 or something like that. We are dropping like flies though. We've already had a backup goalie go down earlier, now one of our 1st line forwards broke his wrist (cheap shot slash), and a 5th line forward with a concussion (cheap shot check from behind). Oh well... tis the way it goes I suppose.
But as I said earlier, there is an Anna to visit with later. So I am going to bed after babbling about nothing in particular like I usually do here. I hope the 3 or 4 people who actually read this have a happy remainder of the holiday season and have a drink for me on New Years eve when I am stuck serving drunk fuckers at work.