Time for some more predictions

May 17, 2006 10:04

Ok, so apparently when I said Ottawa would win in 6, I meant Buffalo would shove the Sens out of the playoffs in 5...details ;-)

So in terms of the conference finals, I'm gonna stick with tradition and hope the Sabres prove me wrong. I'll call the conference finals in 6 for the Canes. And like I said before, it's not because I want it to happen, I want Buffalo to win. Now I'm making the prediction out of superstition.

Naples is coming up fast and my sound design is nearing completion...if by completion you mean "Oh shit, I still have a lot of work to do" then you're right. Which also means my time at Discovery Channel Store is coming to a close and I have to say... it's affected me, or effected which ever its supposed to be. I think I was sick that day in English when they went over that. Got drunk in Naples last weekend working on Karin's show which was hilarious. Not the drunk part, the show part, though drunk was fun too.

So now comes the part where I have no idea what to do with my life. There's NYC where I want to go, but Atlantic City which will provide me with money and benefits and a job with Discovery Channel Stores. I also have friends pulling me towards Chicago, but I'm not sure that's where I want to be. NYC has a huge demand for stage managers, which is what I want to do and I have catch phrases from Rent (No day but today) and Alpha Psi Omega (seek a life useful) running through my head. And as those of you who know me know I'm horrible at making small decisions (ie. Do you want to go to the movies? 'I dunno' or What do you want to eat 'I dunno' or even Do you feel like breathing 'Umm not right now but maybe later') big decisions like where to move render me into a comatose state. Any input?

There is going to be one advantage to making considerably less money this summer at Bristol Valley...I won't have to listen to the damn retail loop in the store for at least 3 months. We have some annoying ass commercials... especially when you've been listening to them since September...in the same loop...every 30 minutes...all day. But nothing beats the etherial 12 minute loop of Holiday songs that made me want to slit my wrists.
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