The Toddler's Selfish First Love

Aug 23, 2011 14:55


Yuri didn’t move for awhile, sitting like a dead man, closing his eyes, drenching in tears, he has no will to fight anymore since Yamada is the one who is pushing him away,there’s no reason for him to stay on his side. Hearing that words from his beloved, he felt so numb and dumb, dumb for making himself to believe that they were really meant to be, imagine that they’re age gap  is 17 years then having a same sex relationship is not really acceptable in society.

Yuto entered the dark room, she saw a figure crumpled like a ball, sobbing.

“oh Yuri I don’t want to see you hurt, tell me, I’m here to listen” she embraced her son, giving him the courage to live on. “you can open your heart to me, because the only person who could understand their son’s feelings most is their mother, I’m not only your mother, I can also be your bestfriend, buddy teacher, savior anything except your lover, I can’t be Yamada”

“ohh Yuttie mama don’t crack a joke when I’m not in the mood, you see I’m already down” Yuri smiled a bit.

“I just want to sound funny, you’re such an emo you know, it doesn’t suits you, ahh wait since when did you started calling me Yuttie”

“when I heard Keitopapa calling you sweetie yuttie”

“you’re really a brat huh” she ruffled his hair but then she felt a wet drop on her dress, his son was crying again, tightening the grip on her dress.

“I don’t know what to do anymore, I felt so dumb, so hopeless, there’s no time that my mind feels

“don’t be like this,you’re a strong and smart boy, if you can’t think clear,then use your heart not your mind, because there are things that heart sees that eyes don’t”

“what are they Yuttiemama” Yuri wiped his tears trying to listen.

“hmm love,affection, interest and so many things that are abstract, tell me what are you
fighting for” Yuto asked making his son to understand.

“My love for Yamachan”

“then why did you let your grandpa to take you away from him”

“Its because Yamachan told me that he wished that I never came back in Japan and I’m just a pain on his eyes”

“then how did youknow that he really meant it”

“I’m clueless,Yuttiemama”

“remember this Yuri, don’t ever go in a battle without arms and weapons like what you did going against your grandpa, he is a human too, he also has weaknesses, and his only weakness is his only grandson”

“I have an idea all you need to do is follow my instructions nee”


2 months later~~

“ahhh I’m so bored, a life without Yuri is killing me” Takaki mumbled out of the air.

“yeah and its so hot here, how I wish snow will fall today” Yabu said making a paper fan.

“let’s go now beforewe get late on our class minna”

They were so lazy to attend the class right now, since the first teacher they would meet is Yamada,they didn’t want to see the person who hurt their friend.

“ohh I wanna go home now” Hikaru whined.

“good idea, I can’t see anymore, what an eye sore” Yabu said trying to hit Yamada through his words.

“okay let’s go what a boring a class” Yuya stood up and as he opened the door, he saw Daikistanding a book.

“ahh what a bad day minna” he looked back to his friends then looked to Daiki. “get out of my way BITCH” Daiki was shocked to hear that from Yuya, he thought that the boy would greet him happily but he was wronged. He gulped as he moved, seeing those deadly eyes from Yuri’s friends.


Daiki saw Yuya, flirting with the other guy on the gate school, he tried his best to avoid Yuya, but the latter saw him, he didn’t intend to look at him but his eyes automatically looked to Yuya, the brunette guy saw him, and in an instant, Yuya
pulled the boy for a kiss, Daiki felt so bad, he thought that Yuya loves him but why he’s kissing the other guy.

“damn those lips are mine” he thought. Yuya saw Daiki’s hurtful eyes.

“don’t tell me, he’s already falling to me” Yuya smiled seeing Daiki acting to be so hurt.

“Yoohoo my penguin, where are you going, are you lost” he called Daiki having an idea on his mind.

“don’t call me penguin” Daiki acted to be so cold again, he didn’t want to look shame.

“ohh come on, come to your master” he grabbed Daiki’s hand.

“hmm Arioka-kun, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Asaka Kodai”

“ehhh boyfriend, aren’t he courting me”

“nice meeting you,I’m” he was cut off when Yuya pulled his hand closer to him.

“ahh Kodaichan, I want you to meet my latest boyfriend Arioka Daiki” Yuya entwined his fingers with Daiki’s.

“isn’t he your boyfriend how come I became your latest” Daiki asked in confusion.

“its because, he’s never been my lover, he’s just my boyfriend, a friend who’s a boy”

“why did you kissed him earlier”

“I didn’t kiss him,its just an angle of us so close, I planned that thing to make you jealous” Kodai laughed seeing the two love birds.

“so Daichan are you in love with me now”

“hmmm not yet”


Back to England

Yuri walked down the stair, he saw his family eating their breakfast at the dining area, he greeted
them but there’s no sounds came out from his mouth, he touched his throat, his voice, his voice.

“what’s wrong Yuri” Keito asked his son but no response, Yuri just shook his head.

“don’t tell me he can’t talk now” grandpa opinioned, grandpa stood up then called their personal doctor.

Tears started to from from his eyes, he can’t accept the fact that he lost his voice, yesterday
his voice was hoarse a sign that he’ll lose his voice on the next day. The doctor came to check him up.

“okay, its only for the mean time, so don’t be scared, it will be back to normal but sadly to say that the day will come, that you won’t be able to talk again. Now the tears that formed on his eyes started to fall. how will he say I Love You to his Yamachan now that he’s losing his voice.

On the other day his voice came back, Yuto told him the instruction what to do later …

Later on, Yuri run downstair crying endlessly, shouting “ I’LL DIE IF I DIDN’T SEE YAMACHAN RIGHT NOW” Yuri walked out of their house going to the beach side the he started walking to the strong waves of the sea.

“Yuri are killing yourself” his grandpa followed, Yuto smiled.

“grandpa, I’ll die today, if you didn’t let me to go back in Japan” he shouted with the water on his armpit level.

“no you can’t Yuri, now go back here, that’s nonsense” Yuri went farther, now that the water level was on his neck now.

“okay, okay, I’ll let you stay in Japan with that Yamada, now please go back here” he defeated his grandpa, yuto was right, his grandpa’s weakness is him.

He happily went back to the seashore, his grandpa hugged him so tight. “don’t do that anymore nee
Yuri, if you want to go back in Japan, I’ll send you right away” then a luggage was threw by Yuto outside, his grandpa was shocked.

“what’s the meaning of this Yuto, don’t tell me, it was all an act, Yuri you’re such a” grandpa didn’t able to continue when Yuri pushed him away then started to drift his body again on the water.

“its for real now grandpa”

“okay-okay, just dry yourself now you silly boy then our private plane will come now”

Week passed…

The day was filledby a dark aura of a not so happy people, especially Yamada Ryosuke who was downed in anxieties in life, he felt like the world hates him now for what he had done to Yuri, the boy he loves the most, he felt like he was being stabbedby a hundred sharp knives right on his heart.

“how will I show my love to him, will he ever know it, till I screamed for more” he looked up to the sky, it was an unsettled weather, he wished not to snow, he loves rain more than the snowy days, but the sunny days is the best for him, for a better and warm relationship they have every sunny days, what a teary love they have whenever it rains and the worst is the snowy days, what a cold and lonely day without one another.

He still rememberwhat Yuri had said before, “ne Yamachan listen to me very carefully and don’t forget this” he cuppedYamachan’s face.

“If the first snow fall on this month, I’m not sure if we were still be together it is either me who left you, so be aware when a snow fall came Yamachan, there’s a chance you won’t be able to see me” Yamada just listened to it and pulled Yuri to another kiss.

“ohh please kami-sama, how many times should I beg to you that don’t make it snow whenever Yuri is not on my side, for how many
heartbreaks you will give whenever Yuri left, how many tears should I cry before I realized that my loved one was not here anymore standing next to me, smiling” he cried out so loud at the center of the riverside.

“I guess you’ll be doing that for the rest of your life, Yamachan” Yamada stunned on his place, is it Chii’s voice or he’ss just being
delusional that the boy was really there standing behind him, it can’t be true because he left with his grandpa.

“what now Yamachan, don’t tell me, you don’t want to see me again, if you only know how I tried to persuade my grandfather, of course
Keitopapa and Yutimama were there to support me” Chii tapped Yamada’s shoulderfor the boy to turn around and look at him. “or am I really blinded by my great and yet useless love, if you don’t want then I better go now, before I became
late on my flight to England” Yuri said seriously but he was only joking, he’s about to go now when Yamada stopped him by grasping his wrist and pulled him into a very tight embrace.

“don’t go, I will never let you go again” Yamada said while feeling the warmth while Chii just smiled to hear Yamada’s words.

“I thought that all my effort will go on a waste, you know that jiijii is such a cold person, it was very hard to please him you know”
Yuri pouted so cute that made Yamada smiled so wide.

“and I thought that you already leave me without reconciling with me, you never told me that there’s such an agreement happened between you and your grandfather”

“that’s why it called agreement Yamachan, you’re still a baka, you’ve never changed a bit, you’re still my stupid Yamabuta”

“and you’ll be and always be my Cocky Yuri, your tongue never get dull, its still sharp”

“I was born with it, so you need to get used to it Yamabuta”

The sun shone so bright when they walked together under it with their fingers entwined,with their heads resting on each other. Yamada was so happy to see the sun so bright, he wished not to snow or else Yuri’s gonna leave him again for sure.

The day was full of love when the officially lovers went on a date celebrating their monthsary, Yamada was still bless that he could stillhold Yuri’s cold hand, caress his pale face and be able to kiss his sweet lips,he was so afraid for the day to come that Chii won’t be there anymore, he noticed that Chii is becoming weaker and weaker than usual even though the latter could still smile and face the new bright day. “ there’s always a tomorrow for us, and in every tomorrow that comes, I know we could survive” he whispered
as he softly watched Chinen’s sleeping face on his arms while the cable cart ismoving.

“ne Chii wake up, I want to ride the ferris wheel right now come on now” Yamada showered Yuri some kisses on his cheeks to wake up the sleeping beauty, but there’s no response. “Chii don’t kid around, please don’t make me worried now” he shook the boy’s body, he even called Ryutaro who’s also on a date with Yukito Nishii.

Ryutaro and Yukito were eating a frozen yogurt while watching the skating competition, not far away from the cable cart place received a call from Yamada telling him that Chii lose his consciousness.

“what, wait for us, we’re coming right away” Ryutaro panicked with confused Yukito on his side.

“Ne Yuki can we go on another date with no disturbance and only the two of us, Chii, Chii” Ryutaro stopped when he felt Yukito’s lips on his.

“okay go ahead Ryuuchan, I understand” Yukito said after breaking the kiss. “I know that it will
took time for me to get rid Chinen-kun on your heart and I wish someday, I’ll be the only one on your heart”

“Thanks, I promise for sure” Ryutaro pulled him for a kiss
before leaving. Yukito just smiled sweetly, he knows that Ryutaro is already
falling for him ever since the boy saw him portraying the protagonist character
on a stage play that the drama club held last month.


“What happened” Ryutaro asked when he saw the lifeless Chinen Yuri on Yamada’s hand.

“I-I don’t know, we just sat there at the cable cart, he said that he’s sleepy so I lend my arms to him but after the ride, he didn’t move, I tapped his face more than 20 times but still he’s not moving at all” Yamada’s voice is trembling, losing Chii is the most scary to him, he never know how to cherish the person he loved, he was away to his family when he was
15 years old up to now,  he never felt how to value things not until the mischievous Chinen Yuri came to his life, he
learned how to cherish the person he loved, how valuable he is and how painfulwhen he lose him.

A/N: Yes, update, okay two chapters to go before the final
chap, I’m rushing it to the point that I’ll go under surgery and it will took
two months of rest so maybe I’ll be on semi-hiatus, but you’re still be
receiving updates from me especially my on-going fic… hope you still enjoy
reading though every chap is becoming angsty…COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS LOVE!! ALWAYS


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