Jul 30, 2005 23:30
I got a job....how'd that happen, it's all one big blur T.T... A really LAME job ta boot >.> For I am now an official Courtesy Clerk (aka Clerks' bitch)
for Stater Bros. The pay and hours are lousy (I'M FIFTEEN MINUTES AWAY FROM BEING FULL TIME ARRRRRRRRG) beggars can't be choosers I s'pose. Though I must say, this whole "productive member of society" thing is way overrated.
On the brighter side I actually registered for classes ON TIME!! Yes the big red dude is ice skating to work. I'm still bummed about being stuck at RCC for another semester but I'll just have to cry that river and get over it.
OH!! I'm also getting my SCUBA certification soon. My good friend Steve (met him in Jap-2) goes diving alot and he's getting me into it. Doesn't seem to hard so far. The only thing that sucks is that you have to keep track of how much nitrogen is in your system, oi....
Double OH! I beat God of War on super duper hard mode @.@. I also finally got around to playing Digital Devil Saga (It's like the Matrix minus the suck) beri good so far.
Anyhoo, today was a looooooooooong long long terribly long day. I think I'll post again tomorrow when my brain is fully functioning.
P.S. WTF is wrong with omg lazor beamz!? I must of missed a memo......