- Been an officer? (Local, Regional, Kingdom, Society?) - Canton Seneschal (current), Baronial Exchequer, Deputy Kingdom Exchequer, Deputy Kingdom Seneschal for Communications
- Do you have an SCA name? Yes, Nikulai Ivanovich
- Do you have an SCA persona? Sort of...
- Changed persona because of different garb? - Nope
- Been adopted by a person, household or clan? Prior to being elevated, I was protege to Mistress Stephania Herring. I am also a member of HOuse Flaming Bolt
- Had a name and/or device accepted by the SCA College of Arms? Yep
- Had a name and/or device rejected by the SCA College of Arms? Yes, and I am still angry with the college of heralds as it was their fault.
- Have rank higher than an Award of Arms? - Yes, I have a Patent of Arms
- Been an Event Steward/Autocrat? - Yep, just once or twice...
- Kingdom level or local level? - Local, Kingdom, Inter-Kingdom
- Cooked an Event? - Nope - have thought about it
- Taught a class at an event? - Yup, Atlantia University and Pennsic
- Run an activity at an event? - Does MOL and Gate/Troll/Reservation-ocrat
- Ever fought at an event? - Nope
- Ever fought at Pennsic or another War? - Nope
- Done a different martial art at an event? - Nope
- Ever run a martial activity at an event? - Nope
- Fought at an event tourney? - Nope
- Ever fought in a Crown Tourney? - Nope
- Won a tourney or contest at an event? - Nope
- Made your own armor? - Nope
- Made your own weapons? - Nope
- Been a squire? Nope
- Have rank as an archer? Nope
- Have rank as a fencer? - Nope
- Created a seige weapon? Talked about it
- Have you ever entered an A&S contest? - Yes
- Have you ever won an A&S contest? - Yes, and become Kingdom Brewer
- Ever run an A&S contest? - No
- Ever judge/critique items in an A&S contest? - Yes
- Ever Wordsmithed a scroll? - No
- Illuminated a scroll? No
- Done the Calligraphy for a scroll? No
- Made your own paper? - No
- Made a book? - Yes, in a class at K'Berg
- Make someone's order medallion? - No
- Write someone in for an award? - Just a few - after all, an autocrat's job isn't done until the award recs are in
- Have you ever sewn your own garb? - No
- Sewn Garb for others? - No
- Ever been sewing on the way to an event? - No
- Ever finished an outfit before an event? - No
- Researched and completed an outfit from said research? - No
- Ever taught a class on sewing? - No
- Finished a hat? No
- Do you know how to spin? - No
- Ever woven your own fabric? - No
- Do you know how to knit? - No
- Do you know how to crochet? - Yes, actually from summer camp
- Have you ever dyed your own yarn or fabric? - No
- Embroidered a garment? - No
- Beaded a garment? - No
- Ever entertained at a feast? No
- Ever ran a bardic circle? - No
- Ever performed in a bardic circle? - Yes
- Had songs requested from you at such? - A story, not a song
- Ever competed in a formal bardic? - No
- Know any period songs? - No
- Been banned from a bardic circle for a song/performance, or have a piece you perform banned/controlled? No
- Ran a court as Royalty (King/Queen or Baron/Baroness)? - No
- Ran a court as Herald? - Yes
- Heralded at Court? - Yes
- Been an Attendant, Guard or Champion at court? - Yes
- Been called to court to receive an award, if so which one/s? - Yes -s ee my awards above
- Been called to court to present something, if so what? - As autocrat
- Been called to court for punishment? or other redress of grievances? - No
- Been part of a court 'shtick?' - No
- Done something while watching court, e.g. embroider, if so what? - carved a casting mold
- Had a royal comment on what you're doing? - Yes, when I asked Her Majesty not to allow Her retainers to throw someone in the lake when my name was on the site contract
- Have awards from more than one Kingdom? No
- Have you ever gone to Pennsic? - Yes
- Ever done Zero Night? - Qua?
- How many Pennsics have you gone too? - 8?
- Ever Taught a class at Pennsic? - Yes, Troll 101 Life Under The Bridge
- Taken a class at Pennsic? - Yes
- Gone to Opening ceremonies? - Yes, a couple of times
- Been a waterbearer? - Yes
- Worked a shift at Chirurgeons Point at Pennsic? No
- Worked a shift as security at Pennsic? - Yes. Thursday night dispatch is a lot of fun
- Volunteered in any other capacity? Yes, troll
- Ever merchanted at Pennsic (we'll take shopping as a given)? - No
- Gone to the swimming hole Classic or family? - Yes, just to find them
- 'Trolled the Bog for parties?' - No
- Hosted a party at Pennsic? - My camp has
- Been part of a 'Pennsic building project'? - Yes
- Ever traveled more than 8 hours each way for a one day event? No
- Gone to a different Kingdom for an event? - Yes
- Lived in a different Kingdom? Not while I was playing
- Have trailer hitch and trailer, mainly because of the SCA? - No
- What ridiculous lengths you've gone to get to an event? Did a weekend of Pennsic once. Flew to Kentucky for Border Raids.
- Run out of closet space because of garb/gear? No
- Ever crammed more than 4 people into a hotel room? Yes
- Met your future spouse at an SCA event? - No
- Met most past significant others in an SCA setting? - No
- Have better research books than your library? - Some of them
- Is your tent bigger than your first apartment? - Not quite, but close
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