Mar 16, 2005 18:23
i got this idea from a friend who did this in her journal. i'm not going to say what these letters concern, nor ever confirm whom they address. these aren't anything i'm ever going to send. these are hypotheticals. these are entirely true.
dear #1,
you're simply the typical textbook study of this sort of victim, except i don't necessarily think you're a victim at all. women who are overbearing, controlling, and manipulative--in trying to stop their men from doing certain actions, with these actions they cause their men to do exactly what they tried so valiantly to prevent. yours is a case in point. i certainly wasn't the first. i know that i was his last simply because when i left the picture, there were no other viable options for him. maybe he'll continue to be good. i doubt it, though; behaving's not in his blood. and the more he's told to behave, the more hell he'll raise. my advice to you: loosen your grip on the reins a little. you say you love him, so show it. give him some freedom and i think that will go a long way. he wants to think he's in control. let him think that my allowing him to choose his actions for himself. once he feels he can do that, doing things he's not supposed to do won't be nearly as alluring. he is a fabulous man. he may not be the most moral man, but he is amazing, and i don't think you realize that; he's full of intense emotion. pay attention to him, treat him like the amazing guy he is, and mellow out a little. you've got a good one. he deserves to be kept, and from what i know of you, i think you deserve to be happy. this one could work, so channel your effort into the right places and give it a go. as for me, i'm not even an iota sorry, because i loved him the way he should be loved, and i know he deserves that.
dear #2,
i hardly ever heard anything about you except how you'd whine that he was never home. that's not how to make someone stay with you. i never heard anything positive about you, which is a shame, because i don't think a guy like this would go for someone who didn't have a lot of positive qualities. nevertheless, nobody heard about them, and that says a lot. i saw your picture once--you're cute, and i can see why he was attracted to you. i also understand why he didn't want to be with you anymore. he's too free-spirited; you're too much of a homebody. i wasn't his first and, knowing him the way i know him, i'm certainly not his last. he can get anyone he wants. one of the proudest moments in my life was the moment i realized he wanted me. i think he and i totally could have worked, but not now--like years down the road. unfortunately, i didn't have the time to wait, and i chose to be elsewhere. i know he isn't with you know, and i think that's best for both of you. he always treated me incredibly well, and i hope that wherever he is, he is happy. i hope you find someone who possesses your values and desires. and no, i'm not sorry. i knew from the second i saw him that he was incredibly special and that i had to have him. and so i did. every second of it was magic; i don't regret a thing, and never will.
dear #3,
i don't know for whom i feel sorrier--you or me. i've been down this road before, but the difference here was that it wasn't my choice. a decent guy lets you know the score, and yours...he didn't. not at all. lied to my face, in fact, and i'm nearly impossible to fool. every time i see you i feel an immense amount of pity for you. you're completely clueless. and you seem like such a nice girl. it breaks my heart. i try to avoid you because it's uncomfortable for me to be around you, knowing that he's scum and knowing that you have no idea. i'll never say a word to you about it because you don't deserve to hear it from me. i was taken for a fool once, but not for very long, but it kills me to see someone so wholesome being oblivious to the fact that she's not seeing the type of guy she thinks she's seeing. you're the fool every day--a position i don't envy one bit. i wish you'd wise up, but i doubt you ever will. i can't have been the only person with whom he acted like this (hell, i was hearing rumors about his nature before i even knew him!). i just wish you had a clue. i'd hate to be in your shoes. i am sorry about this, because if i had known the situation, i would never have chosen being involved with him both for your sake and because, quite honestly, there are some people worth sinning for and others who aren't worth it at all, and he falls into the latter category. good luck. you're going to need it.
dear #4,
you make me laugh. you have the most warped perception of me, and it's hilarious. you think i'm dumb, superficial, materialistic, completely immoral, and a host of other untrue and unsavory qualities. the proof that i'm not these things is in the fact that he never would have been with me had i been any of those. when i met you once, i felt that you were pretty blah. when i heard about you secondhand, you reminded me of #1 in some ways in that you're completely overbearing. i hope you've learned from this. i hope you've learned what and who not to be. i hope you've learned that it's unhealthy to revolve your life around one person. i hope you learn to live for you. i hope you get a clue what to do when you've got a guy in bed. i hope you eventually figure out how to treat someone you want to stay with you. you said once you thought we could have been friends under different circumstances. i highly doubt that would have ever happened. you're too typically female. i like very few other chicks. i really don't like the ones who are boring, hold grudges, pick fights about petty things, and who want to live in the white house with the picket fence and have two kids and a happy little puppy. at our age, that's insane, and it's no wonder why he did what he did. am i sorry? hell no. i admit that you didn't deserve to get hurt; however, he did deserve to get happy. if that was what it took, then so be it. i welcome you to hate me.