Nov 01, 2007 21:17
Ok, so by now you are probably wondering what is pissing me off. WEEELLLLL, it's this new jab they've got out called Gardasil. WHAT THE FUCK?!
In case you've never heard of Gardasil, GARDASIL is the only vaccine that may help guard against diseases that are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) Types 6, 11, 16, and 18.
Now, here's the thing. They want girls ages 9 to 26 years old to have this vaccine. Which has not had extensive testing because the FDA has cut the testing time down and limited some of the tests so the damn drug companies can get their shit out there faster and get more, you guessed it, MONEY! What the fuck are they thinking?!?!?! Don't get me wrong, I know that the FDA has been doing this sort of thing for eons now, but something like this?! They don't even fully know what this drug can be capable of doing, not to mention the fact of all the nasty little side effects that can accompany it.
North Carolina has already made it mandatory for girls ages 11 and on to get the vaccine, and if they don't get it, they aren't aloud to go to school!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?! First of all, it's not like MMR's, you can't pass HPV by breathing on someone! And I'm sorry, but I think that it should be the girl's decision to get a shot like this, and not only that, but HELLO, if your child is that young and having sex, you should be locked up for letting it happen.
Don't get me wrong, I was 15 when I lost my virginity, but I had never thought about it before that, and if I had, my parents watched me like a hawk so nothing like that COULD happen. There are things you can do to prevent your children from having sex at a young age. If that means that I am "overprotecting" my children, then so be it. At least I don't have to worry about them getting any STD's!
Another thing that bothers me about this is the fact that the people that want to make it mandatory aren't reading the medical reports that are coming out on it. I just read something day before yesterday about the Prime Minister in the UK making it mandatory, and that all kinds of reports are coming out of the woodworks about this drug! There have been 8 deaths linked to Gardasil, not to mention the thousands of girls that are becoming paralyzed for unknown amounts of time, girls that are becoming unconsious after receiving the shot, among many other things. WHY WHY WHY WHY would you make this a mandatory drug?! I'm sorry, this is just so beyond wrong!
Do they even know what will happen to the girls that have the shot down the road? Do they know if it will cause them to become sterile? How about birth defects?! I also read about that the other day as well. Some 18 girls were given the shot while PREGNANT! ALL 18 girls either immediately had miscarriages, or the babies were born with birth defects!!! I would like to find the doctors that gave the shots to those girls and personally put a bullet in between their eyes! Don't their doctors have to go by a protocol? From what I have read about the drug, you can't have it unless you are not sexually active, not to mention the fact that there's a series of three shots to be taken and you aren't supposed to have sex until AFTER your last shot, if you so decide, that is.
I just can't understand how anyone could want the shot, much less want to have their child get it. I'm sorry, but when my daughter is old enough to get something like this, and God forbid this shit is still on the market, and they tell her she can't go to school unless she has that shot, they can kiss my white ass, because my daughter WILL NEVER have a shot like that. I don't care if it can "help prevent" certain types of HPV or not! I wont put my daughter in harms way because the Food and Drug Administration is too Goddamned money hungry to make sure the shit gets proper testing before it's even put out on the market!!!!
I'm still really heated about this, I truly am. And I don't understand why anyone in their right minds would allow something like this to be happening. I know it's all about money now adays, but come the fuck on! I just can't get over this. And I feel so damn helpless, because there are girls out there dying and getting sick because they "have" to take this shot. I'm going to find out if there is anything that I can personally do to prevent this from happening to my daughter, including writing to the FDA, my congressman, State Represenatives, the fucking President even! I don't care who I have to write to. What I should do is call my OBGYN, who is completely against this drug to begin with, and ask him what we could do together. At least in this area, to get girls and mothers informed about what this drug can do and the effects it has. There has to be something, and I feel so damn useless just sitting here bitching about it when there is something that can be done about it, and I know it. BLEH!
Shit like this PISSES ME OFF!!!
If anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, finds out any more information about this drug, or any links to the medical reports about Gardasil, please let me know. I will need all the linking I can get to get myself fully prepped for a well thought out, well spelled out, written letter to the big guys about this.