http://nikpavl2002.livejournal.com/29160.html [Eng]
Human is a social being, and therefore the process of the society’s development is possible only in case that each subsequent generation makes its "start", having absorbed all the variety of its predecessors’ experience in the cognition and development.
When science-fiction writers describe the society of the future, in which the burden of providing people with everything necessary for living is vested in robots, they always emphasize the fact that each subsequent models of the last are more functional and perfect than the previous ones.
Both in our daily life, we can observe technological progress, when old machines and mechanisms are replaced by the new, more economical and perfect ones.
It would seem that something like this should happen also with the process of teaching, formation of the new specialists in different spheres of human activity, but in fact this is not so. Some moderate changes are in evidence, but they are not significant. The picture is more than strange. The education system forms and delivers to the society the "clones", whose knowledge is an exact copy of the starting knowledge of those whom they are called upon to substitute. It does not need conscious, knowledgeable and socially active individuals, but a "herd" of clogged passive "consumers" with slavish psychology that can easily be manipulated.
Experience and knowledge about the real world, formed in the process of the "predecessors’" life, remain unclaimed. Every subsequent people’s generation lives a life aimlessly. It seems that society, instead of progressive development, stupidly goes around in a circle. All the discoveries and technical solutions are taken off the shelf. Science has become a religion, and ideas about the surrounding world are canonized in the form of postulates.
People live in the real physical world, but at the same time they stay in a state of persistent delusion, abiding in the social milieu deformed by the System. The community of inhabitants of any country of our planet is more similar to the patients of a psychiatric hospital living according to the laws of the world, dreamed up by the "Chief Physician".
The System is a collection of knowledge and ideas that are imposed on society to regulate its life. People think, make decisions, and try to change the world around them, relying on knowledge and ideas that the System has given them. They are its content and strength. Variants of possible actions of each person in any life situation are figured out in advance and determined by the System itself.
It is being constantly improved in terms of total control. Any discontent of people and their attempts to improve their lives for the better are transformed into organized forms of protest, "composed" by the System itself. It creates the illusion of struggle and ultimately leads its participants to disillusion and awareness of the futility of confrontation in the fight against the System. It protects itself and those to whom it serves.
Take, for example, the situation in Ukraine. Those, who are called the “powers that be”, are only the “vertukhais” [a term from Russian criminal slang meaning a prison guard] of the true power. What difference does it make, who is appointed to the post of chief overseer, if this person will be a "vertukhai"?
The post-Soviet space is still dominated by the “camp system” of the society management. The huckster and bandits are in power, and all the disaffected and dissenters - in prisons. The Ukrainian people are serving time in the “regional zone”, where “big cheese” is the nominee from Moscow Yanukovich (former "brigadier", i.e. gang leader of the organized criminal group). There is no substantive disagreement between Yanukovich and Putin. Viktor Feodorovich proved his loyalty to Vladimir Vladimirovich. He is ready at the first call to appear before the eyes of the Master and ask for his permission to "stop dead in a deep pardon [i.e. to demonstrate utmost contentment of being somebody’s slave]." How can he understand Putin's "bad" disposition, if he is completely ignorant of his capabilities and plans, any of which he is ready to execute in full obedience without any doubts.
The only obstacle to implementing the plans of the "collector of Russian lands" in respect of Ukraine is the absence of Russian military presence on its territory. Unlike Ukraine, Armenia is something entirely different! The Russians brought bandits and marauders to power in it on the bayonets of Russian peacekeepers, and as a retaliatory step they demanded that Armenia joins the Customs union. And, of course, on a "voluntary" basis.
And what about Ukraine? Who will ensure the protection of Russian interests in this country and the "durability" of Yanukovich's power? By the spring of 2014, through the efforts of the ‘fifth column’, the country will completely lose the army as such. Because for Yanukovich it is like an awl in the ass [i.e. it is like to have a wild hair up his ass].
Seemingly, what could prevent Russia from expanding into the adjacent territory? As it is said, there is no maneuver against crow-bar only except for the second crow-bar [American equivalent - you don't bring a knife to a gunfight]. And you know what? A crow-bar has been found indeed ... :)) The Ukrainian people lucked out - the Creator loves Ukraine.
Contrary to the shucking rulers and corrupt "elite", which consist entirely of thieves, the country will gain statehood, and the people - a decent life. There is no need to go to for this either to Russia or to Europe. The mission of Ukraine as indigenous European nation-state that is located in the Heartland of the continent is to become a hub of European security and initiator of the Helsinki-2 process.
The people don’t need the "helpers" and "organizers" from the power-wielding and political beau monde, in the person of parties and movements, such as communists, democrats, nationalists, "regionalists" and other power-hungry politicians, as far as they accept only one action when entering power: personal enrichment. They are the proposal of the System to follow the path to nowhere that has been planned by it. The people are not a herd of stupid rams, for which the power takes them. It will not be difficult for the people to find in their milieu the dignified and skillful leaders and organizers able to realize their power. How can this be done? It goes something like this:
1. Citizens shall gather for a nation-wide people's veche [veche was a traditional form of democratic people’s assembly in Kievan Rus and some other medieval Slavonic countries];
2. The participants of the meeting shall form a constituent committee (or assembly) consisting of at least 100 members, who will act as a customer for the formation of executive bodies of the one and indivisible power, which under the Constitution is the people themselves. In its competence, there will be: to determine the appropriateness of the formation of management bodies and the direction of their activities, the quantity of their staff and the financing, to recruit (or elect) experts on a competitive basis.
3. I presume that the principle of separation of powers should be removed from the Constitution as a mechanism for the implementation by the System of the principle ‘divide et impera.’ And the self-organized people as the sole source of power will delegate the exercise of their powers in the legislative, administrative, judicial and other spheres of state administration to special bodies, consisting of the professionals controlled by them (the people in the person of the constituent assembly) and elected/appointed on a competitive basis for a certain period of time.
4. Constituent committee (or assembly) shall ensure the transfer of authority from the current executive authorities to the newly created executive bodies of the power (i.e. people in the person of people's self-government).
5. Constituent committee (or assembly) shall exercise permanent control over the activities of the newly created authorities’ executive bodies.
Just one small thing is lacking: people shall convince the current power to voluntarily ditch itself ... :)) If not, then the events under the scenario of the “Arab Spring” in Ukraine will help it in doing this.
Nov. 6th, 2013
Translated by professor Leonid Bilousov