Day at Races (Part 2)

Jun 12, 2008 01:23

X'lar glances to A'son as Milani murmurs to him, nodding to the latter. "Got it," Xie tells Milani with a warm smile. "Loud and clear." He gives the Reaches assistant headwoman another smile before saying, "I think I'm going to see what my bloody beast is up to," X'lar remarks to them. The former weyrling begins walking toward the bowl area, waving to the others. "Have a good evening, you two!" Xie calls out. He waves to Aidra quickly as he passes her.

Milani has pie in her mouth again and when A'son nudges her she has to press her lips closed tightly to avoid spluttering it at people. Chew. Swallow. Clear throat. "Best to Mal, Xie!" says the Reachian with a bright smile and a wave. Aidra earns a nod and a briefer grin. "Not at all - there's plenty of pie if you'd like some!" Pointing out the different kinds with her fork. Then she tilts a look over at A'son, lips quirking a little. "Man of mystery vs. man of confidence. They've both got their allure, I suppose. I think that might fall under different strokes for different folks, Weyrleader."

A'son laughs, waving his hand as X'lar heads over. "I think it was an exciting night for him. Race, money, a pretty girl gave him a kiss. I imagine he's going to go back to his weyr and pass right out." To Milani he shakes his head, "I don't know. Some people fall for both types, maybe it's more the mood you're in. Then Aidra is there and he lifts his hand to wave at the bluerider. "Ah, you're... one of our graduates right? One of the ones. I'm sorry, I don't think I met you personally before." He says in apologies to her.

"Already have some," Aidra demonstrates, lifting up her plate (with pie!) and waving around her fork. "Oh. Um. Bye Xie!" is called after her clutchsibling, eyeing his retreating frame before flicking her gaze back towards A'son and Milani. "You're Milani from 'Reaches, right? Think I met you when B'rin wanted to visit and all of us went along," is said to the female in question, grinning at her. "Oh, yeah, sir. Aidra, rider of blue Yajieth," is her introduction with a smile, right hand jutted out as though to offer a shake. "Tapped to Belior." This is said -very- proudly indeed.

Milani nods along with A'son's assesment. "Big night for Xie," she agrees. "And that's true too. Lots of factors go into what people want," Millie muses and blinks at that plate, colors a little. "Why so you do. And it's good pie too." Millie applies herself to finishing said pie too. She waits this time until she's gotten her mouth well clear before answering Aidra. "Mhhm, you all came for lunch. That was a nice time," the Reachian recollects with a grin and sets her empty plate down where it'll easily be collected. Hands clasp loosely behind her back. "Nice to see you again ... Aidra." She fills in the name as the bluerider provides that reminder of it. "Congratulations on your tapping!"

"Yajieth." A'son repeats the name slowly, trying it out. "Interesting. Well met, Aidra. Congratulations on being tapped into Belior. I'm sure Caitlyn is glad to have you as an addition to her wing." He juggles his plate, moving it into one hand so that he can shake hers. "Yes, I hope that we get the opportunity to do it again. Afterall people seemed to really enjoy themselves today."

"Thank you," Aidra says in reply to Milani, eyes aglow before she latches onto some of what's been said. "Xie's had a big night?" Blink. Her attention, briefly, moves onto her pie, fork bringing up a piece to her mouth before it's chewed and then swallowed. "Thank you, sir. She seemed glad but also -- " Aidra fumbles to find words to try and explain the wingleader's expressions upon welcoming Aidra to the wing but gives up, shrugging her shoulders instead. "So, who ended up winning the race?" she asks after shaking the Weyrleader's hand.

"He did. The runner he bet on won. Rowdy something or other and he won a big pot of marks to go along with that," Milani explains with a pleased grin on behalf of her friend. "So I guess that answers both questions? The Rowdy runner that Xie bet on." A definite nod for that and another warm smile and then she turns back towards A'son and bumps his shoulder plafully. "Is it okay if I start calling you by your name again ? I was being polite. And you guys should totally do this race thing again. I like wearing a big hat and seeing people go nuts over runners."

"Ah, Rocky Hold, I believe. With the young girl rider. X'lar was one of the few to bet on him or something? He won a lot of marks when the horse won. Then he was flirting with that young goldrider from Fort all night." Apparently men can gossip as well as women because A'son happily repeats everything that happend to X'lar that night. "She seemed also what?" The bronzerider asks, a sharper look for Aidra's incomplete description of Caitlyn's behavior. A small frown tugs his lips but soon disappears. "Yes, you can call me by my name. It's okay. Same for you." He notes to the bluerider as well.

Aidra pages to A'son and Milani: Phone. Sorry. Pose around me. :(

"Good," Milani on the name usage and she giggles as A'son gossips. "Suvain, gold Siarith's. She seems like a nice girl!" the assistant headwoman declares happily. "Though Xie sure looked surprised when she /kissed/ him. Nice though for him." Her weight rocks back and forth from heel to toe, making skirts swish a little. That unfinished sentence also catches her attention but has little in the way of context for her, so the look on her face is largely polite.

"Oh, right. Suvain. I said good bye to her but she wasn't there when I said it. I hope she was in the general direction or else I probably looked insane. Not that it would surprise anyone." A'son shakes his head, faintly amused. "Yes, he did look surprise. I'm surprised he didn't turn into a blob of jello on the floor. I think the womanly attention was a bit much for him."

Aidra had zoned out - that would explain the bluerider's intense focus on the last bit of pie on her plate before she snaps back to it, shaking her head and focussing on the others. "Oh. Good for Xie, then. And Caitlyn seemed bitter a little bit." The word is supplied as Aidra finds exactly the thing to describe Caitlyn before she pauses, blinking at the others and listening to the conversation. "Mmm, something else for me to tease Xie with." More ammo!

"You didn't look insane," Milani tells A'son, grinning over at him. "Just a little distracted," and she squishes air between thumb and forefinger. "And I think he was fine actually, just a little surprised." She ducks her head, giggling at Aidra's comment. "Do you do that a lot, tease Xie?" she asks curiously, skipping over the wingleader business. None of hers.

"She seemed... bitter?" A'son repeats, amusement and good humor passing over into a fair amount of annoyance. It doesn't seem directed towards the bluerider, it's just something that crosses over his face. "Excuse me, ladies. I have some business that I need to take care of before this evening is over. Please enjoy the rest of the food." He smiles at the pair politely, giving Milani a push in the shoulder before he moves off into the crowds.

"Yup," the bluerider jovially replies in response to Milani's question, blue eyes brightening and teeth flashing in a quick smile. "Can't help but do it, really. He snores a lot too." Then: ut oh. Aidra watches as the Weyrleader retreats into the crowd, tilting her head towards A'son. "Oh, shards. Think I said something I shouldn't have?" Worry flits across her face.

"Oh that's terrible," Milani says to Aidra's remarks about X'lar and then there's A'son's shoulder bumping into hers and that declaration and she nods. "See you around Ays." Back to Aidra and a shake of her head. "No, I don't think so. He gets broody you know." Wise nod. "I suggest more dessert."

"Oh that's terrible," Milani says to Aidra's remarks about X'lar and then there's A'son's shoulder bumping into hers and that declaration and she nods. "See you around Ays." Back to Aidra and a shake of her head. "No, I don't think so. He gets broody you know." Wise nod. "I suggest more dessert."

"Nuhuh," Aidra says in response to Milani, the look of worry disappearing and being replaced with that trademark broad smile. "He's used to it, too! I just don't tease -too- much about girls anymore." With the suggestion of more dessert, Aidra looks consideringly towards it and then bobs her head, starting to head that way. "I think I'll go find that dessert. Nice seeing you around again, Milani!" And then the bluerider's gone, disappearing into the crowds.

tegara, race, griere, t'mic, x'lar, milani, aidra, caitlyn, vladilen

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