What starts out with rage...

Jul 14, 2009 00:05

A'son shows up at Tiriana's weyr to find out why she's trying to ruin his life. They end up venting frustration over very similar things.

Evening in Tiriana's weyr is relatively quiet right now. Iovniath is stretched out in the floor of her area, while Tiriana, dressed in her oldest clothes, is climbing over her back to oil it. "Is your ass /still/ itching?" she wonders, eyeing the dragon. Iovniath croons most pitifully in answer, and Tiriana slides back to re-oil the troublesome spot. "Okay, okay. I'm working on it."

It's cold outside! And snowing again! And that quiet in Tiriana's weyr? That's going to end really, really soon. Because the sound of stomping is coming up the stairs and then into her weyr. Someone still doesn't know how to knock. "Tiriana! What the /hell/?" A'son demands when he makes his appearance, staring up at her from the ground.

It's such an undignified position to get caught in, oiling her dragon's butt. Or at least it's undignified for Iovniath, who starts so quickly that Tiriana all but falls off in the process. "A'son!" she retorts, glaring at him. "What the fuck? Get the fuck out of my weyr!"

"No, not until you tell me why you're trying to ruin my fucking life? When you tell me why you're trying to ruin my fucking life, then I'll get the fuck out of here? Get down here, right /now/." A'son demands. Because he's really in a position to demand anything, right?

"Fuck you!" Tiriana yells down one more time. For the record, she doesn't budge an inch, except to cross her arms over her chest. "I've never done a fucking thing to ruin your life, and you know it. So you can just go on your way and leave /me/ alone."

"Oh, so screwing with Milani so that she'd be pissy wasn't part of trying to fuck with me? Thanks a lot, because she went and cried to N'thei who's going to come and be a fucking dick now. All because you need to fight with the headwoman for some unknown reason and drag /my/ personal life into it. Fuck /you/. You are such a bitch." And she can apparently stay up there on the dragon, because A'son is turning around and leaving.

Okay, she gets down now, right quickly. "What the /fuck/?" With more feeling now. "I didn't do a thing to you! I told her--is this about /Persie/? You bastard!" How all this follows may well be a mystery, but she follows him, at any rate. "You blame /me/ because Milani's a meddling bitch?"

"Yes, I /do/. Because you got into a fight with the meddling bitch and the meddling bitch is sending the hound after me again. And I'm damn tired of being harassed by these crazy fucking people. I'm glad you got /your/ rocks off by shoving Persie and I in her face. But I'm going to take the fall for it. So thanks a lot. Really." Sarcasm. He's still leaving, still walking away. He's outside again now, cramming his hat down over his head.

"She's the damn /headwoman/," is Tiriana's answer this time, snapped off as she continues to chase A'son down, trotting to catch up. "She would have found out anyway. So I might has well get as much mileage out of it as I can. It's not /my/ fault if she just can't keep her nose where it belongs: in records and out of /everybody's/ business. You just leave her to me--I'll handle her."

"I don't care who she is. I have the right to tell people my own business when I'm ready to." A'son tells her angrily as he's still messing with his hat. "I didn't even know Persie was moving in with me. I didn't even know that I had business to tell! I found out from /her/ when she tried to give me a weyrmating /gift/." He takes a breath, blowing it out when Tiriana mentions handling Milani. There's a struggle there, an actual, visible struggle. Whether to continue raging like a lunatic or calm the fuck down. "Thank you."

"Because she's a meddling /bitch/!" Tiriana insists, one more time. "Persie /asked/ me about it instead of her, but I had to tell her eventually anyway." It all just makes her huff, fuming herself. "And I guess she just couldn't stand it. That somewhere out there, you might actually have--I don't know. I don't. Got happy, moved on, whatever. I don't know," and she waves her arms, dismissing it all. "And now she had to drag that /bastard/--" one guess who she means "--into it, and get you blaming me. I'm the one on your side!"

"She was really nice when she talked to me about it initially. Then she mentions that she told N'thei and hahaha don't be surprised if he gives you a hard time!" A'son starts, sounding like he's winding up into irritation all over again. "You know what happened the last time she did that? After she fucking fucked K'del right after she fucked me? N'thei came and punched me in the face a whole bunch of times. I don't really want to relive that. And she promised she wouldn't go crying to him about problems with me again. But I guess she's just a damned liar." Did Tiriana know all about that already? Because if she didn't, well... "Persie came to you and asked you?" Saying the greenrider's name seems to bring him down a few notches, at least. But now, "She... She ruined Persie's surprise. I'm going to have to act surprised. How do I do that?"

"Damned lying /whore/," says Tiriana, though with less anger and more awe now. Apparently, this /is/ all new. "So what, she just plays you two off each other all the fucking time? And you two idiots fall for you? He can go rot in his weyr for all /I/ care, but aren't you two supposed to be actual friends?" She does not sound sure about this, glancing A'son over with plain skepticism. But, a beat later, "I was supposed to distract you while she moved everything. Did she even tell you which one, too?"

"No, only when I've done something she doesn't seem to like very much. Like supposedly walk out on her. Except it was more like run /away/ from her and K'del's monkey sex." A'son shoves his balled up fists into his pocket. "Hey, I just get hit in the face. That's my role. I thought that we were, but apparently her and him are cuddly close now. You know, since she totally had his back when Satiet died. Though I seem to remember /me/ visiting him at his parent's hold afterwards. Funny thing, right?" The bronzerider looks out across the bowl. "Yeah, she did. I asked that though. I'daur's place, right?"

"Bastard," is Tiriana's sum-up of that. "He's a fucking bastard who abandoned us all. He should have stayed away--everybody knows he never gave a damn about any of us. As soon as she died, he didn't even bother with the /pretense/ anymore. Just said 'fuck you, too' and left." And that gets her all riled up again, hands balling up into fists at her side, jaw clenched. "Yeah," she gets out, about I'daur. "Yeah. Persie wanted that one, special."

"Yeah, I heard. Milani thought that was /odd/." And now A'son seems to be taking a personal offense at that. "What's so odd about it? He's not there anymore. He meant a lot to both of us too. It's like honoring his memory, being happy there. What the fuck does she know about it?" His shoulders lift up and then fall down, still angry but at least not yelling anymore. "Fucking people."

"It is--" Tiriana hesitates this time, shoots a look back at her own weyr, though nothing of Satiet remains but the shadows. "Doesn't matter what it is, it's none of her damn business," she decides, anyway, with a glance back at A'son. "If you want that one, you're getting it. And she can just go fuck herself. Or K'del--you know she's always down here. Funny how she always goes after the Weyrleaders, whether it's you or N'thei or some idiot kid."

"Yeah, if that's the one that Persie wants? That's the one that I want. And I'm going to move all our furniture in. And I'm going to leave the bed she sent up to my weyr out in the middle of the bowl. I don't want anything that she gave to me. She does one thing and then acts all sugar and light like it never happened." For fucking Weyrleaders, A'son just nods his head and looks sour. "I need to run some laps in the bowl or swim in the frozen lake or something. I can't go back to my weyr looking like this. If Persie is there she'll /know/ something is wrong."

"You want..." Another pause, as Tiriana frowns for a moment, bites her lower lip. And then she just goes for it. "You want me to go with you?"

A'son stares at Tiriana, like he's not entirely sure what's going on. Very carefully, like he's not ready to say any answer that might startle the possible peace here, "Do you want to go with me?"

Tiriana, stubborn: "I asked you first."

"...Sure." A'son answers, still careful! "I think I'm going to go down to the lake." Think... those guys who jump in the water during the middle of the winter because they think they're polar bears.

Tiriana doesn't move just yet, though. Instead, she says, "I like running better." And eyes him pointedly.

He eyes her pointedly back. It's entirely possible that he's been so overwhelmed by the entire evening that he's willing to give in easily, which he does. "Alright. Fine. Running."

Good. Tiriana smirks then, triumphant, and she tells him, "Give me one minute to change clothes, and we'll go." And she disappeared inside just about that long, then comes trotting out after him and down the steps. "Hurry up or I'll leave your sorry ass," she calls after him.

When she passes him and goes down the steps, he rolls his eyes. Though it's possible there's the hint of a smile there. He stretches his arms up and is down the steps moments later to chase after and catch up to her.


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