
Apr 15, 2009 16:16

If you don't like the word fuck, this isn't the right fucking log for you.

Tiriana and A'son have a little meet up after the flight.

I'm going to follow LJ trend and start doing the 4W's for my posts. :P

Who: Tiriana, A'son
What: Fuck.
When: Day after the HRW Leadership Flight, after A'son leaves Milani's quarters for the second time.
Where: Random Tunnel (I am the best location namer ever)

Logfile from NC2.

Random Tunnel(#1636RJ)
There are many twisty, turny tunnels throughout High Reaches weyr. And this just happens to be one of them. It branches off from one of the main ones, taking you away from the resident dorms and private rooms. Here and there are some storage closets, but the hall is mostly bare. It's devoid of decoration and seems to otherwise just take a windy path towards the main caverns.

There's no where to run to (baby), no where to hide. Unless of course you have the key to one of these rooms. A'son doesn't have the keys. So therefore he can be seen wandering straight down the hallway. Wandering is the word here. He's walking like some sort of a zombie, eyes cast down onto the ground. With the one hand he's absently rubbing his wounded shoulder. At one point, he trips over his own feet.

Tiriana checks the infirmary first, because that's generally where (sane) people go after stabbing themselves. Of course, A'son's not there, which probably only confirms the mental diagnosis here. Anyway, off Tiriana goes through the caverns when he's not where he should be, and it's not that hard to find people who have noticed him and are willing to point the Weyrwoman down the right warpath. So, finally, she rounds the corner into this tunnel, and starts purposefully for A'son as he stumbles along.

A'son is not paying too much attention, he's rubbing his shoulder and staring at the ground. That one stumble from earlier? It's probably not the first and it's definitely not the last. He trips over himself a couple of more times and keeps meandering along. He certainly doesn't see Tiriana, at least not until she's nearly on top of him. When he does, there's a tired look on his face as he stops on watches her approach. He turns his face, giving her access to it. "Just get it over with."

There's probably a good reason Tiriana took this career track over being a healer. It probably has something to do with the way she's so happy to swing a fist at his jaw when he thoughtfully presents it for her. "You fucking, fucking /bastard/," she snarls.

A'son face just about rocks off his head. He makes a noise the back of throat as Tiriana's fist impacts with his face. The bronzerider turns back to face her and just gestures at himself one more time.

Tiriana, happy to oblige~ No more hitting him in the face, though. Even crueler, she aims her fist for his poor (self-)injured shoulder this time, and she shoves him back toward the wall to pin him up. "The next time. The next fucking time you fuck me, and Iovniath, and--and the whole fucking /Weyr/ over like that," she says. "You better just hope you finish the fucking job right that time."

Maybe it's the hit in the shoulder, maybe it's the cursing. But it's something. A'son lifts his foot up and brings it down onto Tiriana's toes, as hard as he can. Quickly after that, he's pushing her off of him and shoving her into the wall opposite the one they're already against. "The next time, I tell you that I'd rather die than win your fucking flight, you better fucking /believe/ me. Because then, you wouldn't be so totally screwed as you are now. You'd have the right man for the job."

"Fuck." More cursing when he kicks her, shoving her back. But Tiriana's not giving up yet, still nearly incoherent with anger. "Fucking traitor," she retorts. "Go back to Ista. You'd do it for /them/ but you'll let your own Weyr go to hell. Well, everybody's gonna know it's your damn fault when we do. Because you're not good enough." And this time, she resorts to trying to knee him, and pushing at him to get him off her.

"I didn't want to be fucking Weyrleader /then/. I didn't want it /before/ and I don't want it /now/." A'son gives Tiriana a solid shove it into the wall before she effectively knees him. He allows her to shove him away, after a moment's recovery, "If this weyr fails it's because you're a hot-headed /idiot/. Not because of the man who didn't want it and /told/ you he didn't want it beforehand. You can't force everyone to do what you want. It doesn't work that way."

"You don't get to not want it," Tiriana answers, staying against the wall even after she pushes him away. "I'm the fucking Weyrwoman!" One day in and she's already on an ego trip. "And you damn well know the only reason that--that /kid/ got in there in the first place is because you weren't fucking /man/ enough to do it. And everybody else knows it, too."

"I'm a grown fucking man. If I don't want to be Weyrleader, I'm not going to be. I fucking /told/ you that. You're a selfish stupid little girl. There were other perfectly good men there. That /wanted/ it." Anger seethes through A'son's emotions and he points down towards the main caverns. "They better not know it. They better not fucking know it. If you really care what happens to this fucking weyr, you'll build K'del up. You won't tear him down. You won't call him a kid. You won't tell /anyone/ you wanted me instead of him. You will not make this a crusade against me, him or anyone else. Be a fucking woman." He draws in his breath, "Satiet picked you for this job? Start doing it. Start now."

"Little late for that," Tiriana says, gloating. The more A'son gives her advice, the more smugly, viciously, she smirks. "They already know. It was pretty obvious who Iovniath wanted. Pretty obvious what asshole left her hanging, stuck with that /kid/--" oh yes, she's just that contrary "--because he was just the first one there while she was all fucked up."

One swift easy motion. Smack. Right across Tiriana's smug, gloating cheek. "High Reaches will fail because of you." A'son grabs her chin with one hand, roughly. The other pins what he's expecting to be her swinging arm against the wall. "I don't give a fuck if everyone thinks I'm a failure. It doesn't matter to me anymore. I have nothing, absolutely nothing." There's the start of laughter. On the edge, manical laughter. "Do not call him a kid. He's definitely not a kid." An aggresive, frustrated push against her before he lets go and moves away. "Not a kid."

He guesses right; she's trying to punch him again when he pins her back, holding her arm. But he has one hand holding her fist and one on her chin, so she tries to hit him with her other hand instead now. She knows when she's hit a nerve, after all, even if it's just blind flailing to find it and then keep pressing on it. "Yeah? More of a man than you are, isn't he?"

A'son's fists clench and he takes steps away from her. Some nerve she hit. His mouth chews around some heavy retort before he finally just stops. "This?" He points to his face, to the red-mark appearing on hers. "This is why we can't be partners." Grimacing he rubs the injured shoulder and walks away. Leaves. Just like that.

"Because you're not man enough!" Tiriana shouts after him, her hands still balled up as he leaves. She's got to try to get the last word in, after all, before she turns and flounces the opposite direction.

a'son, tiriana

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