The Grand plans of men

Oct 07, 2008 05:41

Big pot here, so I will put a topic bulletin for each part for those interested in a select amount of what I have to say.

1. Life to date

I just got back from the boat, this one was a little longer than usual, oh well, atleast I don't deploy. I came back though and found we have a house guest, which would be fine providing our third roomate followed the house rules and let us know so we could put it to vote. But what gets me is that they sleep together but she sleeps on the couch pretty much forcing me out of the living room lest I become the asshole. So I'd just take it to the garage and hang out in there. I like to inventory my tools every now and then, its relaxing. That and I have a lot of tools so it kills some time. Not that I ever use them lol, I use common things like screwdrivers and a hammer on occasion, but thats about it. Other than that I am doing fine.

2. Coming Home

I have less than a year left in the service and am coming back to NJ. But with rising property taxes and the state in which our home is in leaves me worried. Ideally not the place I wanna raise Danger. But it's home. I'm trying really hard to save money before I get out though, it'd be nice to have a big fat cushion. Our plan so far is we go back home and get an apartment, I'll work some schmuck job while Dani goes to school for her pharmacy tech thing then once she graduates, she will work full time while I go to college. With the new GI bill I'll be getting about $1,600 living expenses a month on top of full tuition and 1k a year for books and lab fees. So with that money and Dani working full time, depending on how much she is making we may try and get a house right then. But if not we'll continue to save money until I graduate 3 years later and go for it then.

3. Going back to school

I am really excited about getting to go back to school and not have to work. I have honestly been jealous of my wife and those going to school who do not have to work. Sure I know school is not all rainbows and sunshine, but I love learning and being in a forum environment. And after 5 years of military bullshit I am looking forward to relaxing. Only thing though is that with the new GI bill I have to do 3 years of college straight with no summers off, but whatever, the sooner the better I say.

4. Going home revisited

I plan on being very proactive in trying to make Mt. Holly a better place. I know that I cannot do it alone and Scott has similar aspirations, but try I must. I want Danger to grow up in the Mt. Holly I remember. But I must recognize my own shortcomings and work to eliminate them before hand. First, I should know more about politics and law. Second, I need to learn as much town and county history as possible(I'll be damned if any of our elected officials don't know). Third, I need to identify and work on solutions the the town's problems.

And even if I cannot obtain an office within the council, under the Faulkner Act's initiative and referendum, all I need is the signatures of atleast 10% of the prior elections voters on an odd year to put something to vote within the municipality. And should atleast that many believe in what I/we are working for than there would be a base of power in local politics of like minded people.

5. End of the world blues

You've all heard me talk aqbout the end of the world and what not, but I cannot get it out of my mind. I'm no longer freaked out, but just accept it as an inevitability to prepare for. So much of my time is spent pondering survival scenarios and preparations. The biggest hurdle I see is food supply. Living in NJ means living in a high population per sq mile area. So even though there is much farm land, it would be a problem protecting it from the starving masses. So still unsure as to how to get around that. So far all I can think of the the I have the bigger stick approach and pillage until some sort of order is established. But I am also counting on the support of friends to form a coallition strong enough to throw around some muscle.

6. The economy


Actually I do have some views on this. We are coming to a point in our civilization where we need to work for the greater good of atleast our own people. Had we spent all that money from iraq on homeland development then we would be pretty well off right now. I know nothing will happen over night, but it is totally possible to fix this countries problems. Giving $700 billion out to the super rich who happen to be bad investors to that they can stay super rich is stupid and I'm glad that it didn't pass. Also there needs to be some serious reform in this country, I'm not saying total communism, but with as many people getting laid off due to newer technologies and failing companies, unemployment is up pretty high. And there is a vicsious cylce out there where companies are charging more and people not getting paid enough to match it. I'm about to get way off onto a tangent, so I will stop, but needless to say major reform is needed before its too late.

And lastly...

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