Long shot of long shots...

Mar 13, 2010 19:15

Does anyone know of a child sized tiny for 1/6 scale? I don't want anything too tiny or too childishly pudgy (so notdoll naripons, pukifee and their ilk as adorable as they are, are really, really out. I am considering a roxydoll Lucy. Very precious and very sweet, but they are also maybe too small to pull off the 7/8 years I'm looking for AND I just missed that darned sale. Basically I want her to look childish, not mature and not toddlerish. They need to be in scale with rement and fashion doll furniture but not crazy looking next to 1/6 girl. I've tried some 1/6 vinyl (obitsu, vintage skipper, ect.) But I haven't had any luck with them. Any suggestions?
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