
Apr 16, 2006 16:42

From The Velveteen Rabbit by Magery Williams:

"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?"

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When ( Read more... )

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angelicprincess April 20 2006, 17:17:53 UTC
Have you seen the new bar that you can have in order to filter your friends even more easily than typing? Its really cool. Anyway because its so easy I put you on your own filter. Now I just have to pick maria and there is your journal on my friends page by your self.

PS did you see my new colourbars? WW of course.


nikomaria April 20 2006, 18:36:35 UTC
Huh what bar?

Oh new colorbars? Cool will check them out.


angelicprincess April 20 2006, 19:13:00 UTC
WW and Studio 60 :)

Actually I love the shadow of the Gunmen one because it was always one of my favorite episodes....

Josh shot... (sigh) :D and the turning point in his life...

"Who are you?"
"Im Donna Moss. Who are You?"
"Im Josh Lyman"
"Ahhh ... Im your new Assistant.."

Points at her Icon....



nikomaria April 20 2006, 18:41:30 UTC
I just saw them ... okat don't kill me but I just have to say:
the Aaron, Danny, Matt are love bar? ... very slashy LOL

Actually the first pic I saw of the show you know the one with Danny and Matt - I was all "Red Alert, Red Alert ... Slash incoming" ROTFL

You may start throwing stuff ....


angelicprincess April 20 2006, 19:08:59 UTC
Yes it is .... very slashy isnt it? if you think about it... for a minute there I thought of Writting Matt and Brad and Aaron underneath it but I thought better of it.

Hey I didnt make it but it is the only Studio 60 colourbar I have found thus far. So Im using it. Plus you know it does have Matt and Danny and Aaron... king of Banter. How could I pass that up? Dont worry I wont through anything...

Heck how can I? You put up with all my shippy stuff. I cant help it... Im a woman! I love to ship... especially when its good shipping like lois and clark or josh and donna for example... :)

So no throwing from me... just major grinning

Let me guess you are gonna snag the colourbar and add it to your userinfo?


nikomaria April 20 2006, 19:26:41 UTC
LOL I'm glad you don't have a problem with my throwing slashy stuff around ... and see I can ship too ;)


angelicprincess April 20 2006, 19:39:11 UTC
Really? I dont recall you shipping...what do you ship? oh wait there was michelle and tony... I forgot... *G*


nikomaria April 20 2006, 19:46:52 UTC
Yep Tony and Michelle, have you watched Farscape? I shipped Aeryn and Crichton. And of course my biggest ship is David and Keith on Six feet under. =D


angelicprincess April 20 2006, 19:59:25 UTC
Yes I know about Aeryn and Crichton. Of course I do... :P A nice normal ship.. :D ok see when I say ship I always think of non slashy ones plus you know that I would never watch anything like SFU and I certainly wouldnt ship ppl called David and Keith....... LOL. Not that I am a paranoid homophobe but its just not me... LOL


nikomaria April 21 2006, 09:33:15 UTC
Hey David and Keith are canon on SFU ;)They even did the whole marriage thingie (*sniff*) and had kids ... did you notice the HAD part. The last ep will kill me ... just imagine Requiem and multiple the tears by 1000000000000000000


angelicprincess April 21 2006, 13:08:54 UTC
really ok well I didnt know that. I know what Canon is. :) Yes I did notice the Had part and I apologise. Multiply by that much is impossible to do and I honestly cant imagine crying so much at a WHOLE episode on TV before. I think Requiem is gonna be hard to beat.


nikomaria April 21 2006, 13:36:45 UTC
I read the summary for the last ep and ... god I cried, cried and cried ... and just seeing pics from this eps makes me go all *sniff*

But who knows I mean maybe I'll react diferently when I actually watch the ep. But I doubt it - the last epsiode I watched yesterday, I remember that I went all Sniff while reading the last scene (one of the main characters dies) and yep same reaction plsu more tears while actually watching.

I remember crying through pretty much all of "The Body" remember the Buffy ep were Joyce dies?


Nice icon. Honestly...... angelicprincess April 21 2006, 14:37:06 UTC
I read the summary for the last ep and ... god I cried, cried and cried

Are you talking about Six Feet Under or Without a Trace or the West Wing?

And yes I pretty much cried my eyes out in The Body. And reemmber I have told you that I didnt spoil my self with buffy... so major crying. I loved how everything went silent in that episode. It just gave a greater affect.


Re: Nice icon. Honestly...... nikomaria April 21 2006, 14:46:02 UTC
Six feet under - to sum it up everyone dies

I still can't belive you went unspoiled for Buffy - oh god - so you didn't know about Tara dying either?

Yeah the ep was amazing - I think i was crying from the moment Buffy found her mother but really lost it with Anya. I think I've seen this episode only once since then - it's really hard to watch.


Re: Nice icon. Honestly...... angelicprincess April 21 2006, 15:03:04 UTC
No as I said I was Unspoiled with buffy. I didnt know ANYTHING! Hence the crying in the body....

Really everyone dies in SFU? Man that is so cruel...


Re: Nice icon. Honestly...... nikomaria April 21 2006, 15:10:01 UTC
Well the ;last 30mintes or so of the ep is like a big "what happens to our beloved characters for the rest of their lifes" and since it's SFU they show how they die. Some of old age, some more violent ... just life you know. Perfect ending for the show.

... Ends.


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