Jul 30, 2003 22:00
i feel so lonely...almost as if pushed aside...i don't understand...i used to think everything was wrong with me, like i wasn't good enough...and it took me a long time to get over that...and i did...i finally had love for myself...now i am beginning to think maybe i really am not good enough...i hear it all the time...how great of a person i am...how "cute" i am...i'm a prize piece, yet what, am i not winable? am i lost on a shelf? can i not be found? or am i something that no one wants to find...? i was told that i had the ability to be picky with whoever i choose to be with and i should...i was told that when god made me he put in a little extra...i have been told on how unbelievable it is for me to be single...i have been told i am something special...yet why do i sit here alone? are people lying to me to try to make me feel better? i mean yeah it makes me feel great, is that there mission? just try to get nik more confidence? i used to feel this way about my eating...so people just tell me i am skinny in hopes for me to eat a lot of shit all the time...i just really feel alone right now...wrap ur arms around me and hold me tight...keep me strong to get thru the night...i want to feel ur breath upon my cheek...just don't let go, i'm becoming weak...