Jul 01, 2005 05:52
28 WAYS TO MAKE A GiRL SMiLE.. (so true!)
1 . Tell her she is beautiful, not hott, or fine.
2 . Hold her hand at any moment even if it just for a second.
3 .Kiss her on the forehead.
4 . Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5 . Always tell her you love her at any and all times.
6 . When she is upset hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.
7 . Recognize the small things . . .they usually mean the most.
8 . Call her sweetie.{it will make her smile}
9 . Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.
10 .Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with.
11 . Write her notes.{she loves them}
12 . Introduce her to family and friends as your girlfriend.
13 . Play with her hair.
14 . Pick her up, tickle her and play-wrestle with her.
15 . Sit in the park and just talk to her.
16 . Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes.
17 . Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you missed her.
18 . Let her fall asleep in your arms.
19 . Carve your names into a Tree.
20 . If she's mad at you, kiss her.
21 . Give her piggyback rides.
22 . Bring her Flowers just because.
23 . Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone.
24 . Look her in the eyes and smile.
25 . Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants.
26 .Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing.
27 .Kiss her in the rain.
28 .If your in love with her . . Tell her.
ø´¯`-I wAnT 2b rEmEmBeReD As
tHe GiRL wHo aLwAyS sMiLeS-´¯`ø
ø´¯`-eVeN wHeN hEr heaRt iS bRoKeN
& tHe 1 WhO cOuLd aLwAyS-´¯`ø
ø´¯`-bRiGhTeN uP uR dAy
EvEn iF sHe CouLdNt-´¯`ø
ø´¯`-bRigHteN heR oWn
I pLaY My GaMe LiKe
i DaRe AnY bitCh 2 LaNd oN My
P r O p E r T y
Never let others tell you who to love...that is what your heart is for.
No one falls in love by choice it is by CHANCE No one stays in love by chance it it by WORK And no one falls out of love by chance it is by CHOICE
'- - »
I miss you when something good happens to me
because you’re the one I want to share it with first
I miss you when something bad happens
because you make everything better
I miss you when I cry
because you kiss my tears away
and make me smile
I miss you when I’m laughing
because you made me feel so happy
but most of all
I miss you when I’m lying in bed at night
thinking about you
because before I always knew somehow
you were thinking of me too
that’s why
it’s then when I miss you the most
knowing your not thinking about me anymore
when times are hard
I close my eyes and think about you
but staying up late at night
wishing on stars
doesn't make things as they were
the hardest thing I’ve had to do
is say goodbye
because you left me with so many wonderful memories
words cant describe how much I miss you
and I miss you
but I smile when I feel like crying
act like I’m okay
when I’m falling apart inside
and I let it go
and move on
because there's nothing else I can do
and I love you
so much
it hurts