Aug 20, 2004 20:27
Back from the war. Heading to NH tomorrow on an AM flight to spend a few days with Mariko and my mother before going back to work.
War was fun..other than the torrential rains the last few days. But the pavilion was dry enough when I packed up today that it will not mildew while I am in NH. This is a good thing. Of course, the pile of clothes just might...since I do not have time to do that much laundry tonight. Gah. But the van is unpacked, and I am in serious need of a shower.
We won the war. We won the archery Champions shoot resoundingly. We won the Bridge Battles and the Rapier Broken Field battle that I fought in, and would have won the Mountain Pass if Odin and Thor had not intervened to tell us that Valhalla was full, and could we wait until tomorrow to send more warriors.
This is very difficult to type. My hands are tired, and it seems my fingers do not want to go quite where they are supposed to the first time. Doh.
I should be checking LJ in NH and catching up with people's lives. Cheers.