Trains in the USA

Jul 17, 2010 17:37

Just picked up an issue of Time magazine while visiting a friend's home, this week's volume (July 19th). In it, behind the obligatory stories of the oil spill and politics, was a rather interesting and compelling article on high speed train service in the untied states. Our country is a mockery when it comes to passenger train service. It's pretty sad. Trains are great, but it still takes more than two days to get from. Chicago to Seattle, and more from coast to coast. Given, our freight moving capabilities are wonderful compared to Europe and Asia, but our passenger moving capabilities are dismal. Unfortunately too remedy this issue, people need to want to ride the train. I would hop on trains if they could clear 3000 miles in a day, which high speed transit could manage. Train travel is awesome. You can eat, walk around, and even get your booze on, if that's what you're into plus, you don't end up feeling like a sardine in a can with wings, or stuck on the road, dealing with both lazy construction crews and holiday traffic, going one third the speed of a high speed train on a good day. The train is a wonderful way to travel, hands down. Right now, it's a bit slow, ok, very slow, at times, but a future with high speed lines would make the comfort and ease of train travel completely worth it to ride the rails instead of in the air or in cars. Trains are awesome. It seems people are starting to ride more. There has been an increase in how many people have been riding Amtrak. That gives me hope that people actually care about the train in America.
Bottom line: Trains rock, high speed trains are orgasmic.
Don't fight it
Let it happen
Ride the rails... Everything will be alright.

trains are awesome don't even try to tel

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