
Apr 01, 2015 10:52

Holy crap, I podficced again for the first time in ages! :)   (Well, I finished editing, anyway.  I find it hard to record this time of year... the spring weather seems to make my already kinda nasally/stuffy-nose-sounding voice extra problematic... this podfic was actually recorded last fall.)

ANYWAY.... da-da-da-da!  (Trumpets!)

No Army at My Back, a gen Suikoden story by Tenshi no Korin.  Tremendously fun (with a smidgen of whump) backstory that I consider TOTALLY canon regarding how Flik met Odessa and Viktor.

Tenshi no Korin was literally the SECOND person I asked permission to podfic from back in 2010 and I kept not-getting-around to recording somehow for all these years.  It was mostly a case where my original 2010 "pre-read" recording seemed pretty damn PERFECT to me, but the audio quality was too crappy to make it the "final" product, but then when I'd try to re-read and capture the same "magic", it kept coming out less good.

Hardest phrase to speak in this story:  "Deposited it into"
My favorite phrase in this story:  "And Flik, coiled like a dwarvish clockwork, sprung."


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