Nov 05, 2013 11:18
Just some random musing...
I've been having a period of going back and revisiting old favorite Weiss Kreuz fics (of which I am massively depressed to see how few have migrated to AO3). And I'm sitting here wishing that someone, somewhere had compiled a list of "Best Ken Hidaka-centric fics" so I could have somewhere central other than my own, rather haphazard bookmarking to use as a resource.
Then *THAT* made me think of the Death Dogs site in Mag7-land, and I clicked over there... and realized that it's approaching the ten-year mark since that site was last updated, and isn't that a shame, that the semi-official "quality fic" resource for Mag7 fandom is missing out on a whole decade of great fic, and shouldn't someone, somewhere compile a "Death Dogs, Mark II"?
Just feeling nostalgic for old-school rec sites, I guess. I wonder if there's still a place for this sort of thing - as a resource for new fans or a quick reference for older ones...
I wonder what the ideal format for lists like these would be nowadays? A simple delicious account? A reccing journal on LJ/DW? Old-school standalone web-page? Tumblr? (No. Tumblr's too transitive, imo... Even with good tagging, it seems so impossible to organize posts in a clean way there.)