May 17, 2009 15:37
So we went and saw Star Trek. Now, I never got into TOS. My bag was TNG. I've got this thing with cinema from the 60s and 70s where I just can't accept the actors as the characters they're playing. I've no idea what it is that causes that, but that's just how it is. In a way, it's hilarious. I'll watch an original episode and the whole time I'm going: "Oh, it's Shatner and Nimoy playing pretend." But then I watch a movie in the 80s and it's, "Oooh, Kirk and Spock who are played by Shatner and Nimoy." So I have no idea.
But watching the new incarnation of it with the new actors, it's purely: "Kirk and Spock and Bones are fucking awesome." I totally bought the actors as the characters and I really can't wait to see more of them in these roles. The new Bones is just OMG. And Simon Pegg as Scotty was The Best Choice Ever. I developed a crush on Spock until he turned a certain way and looked like my brother. Then I just got kinda creeped out. *laughs* So there's now a part of me that's all, "Spock is stoic and smart yet clearly impassioned and that makes him so hot!" but there's another part that's all, "He kinda looks like your brother from that one angle. What the hell is wrong with your sick mind?" So that's fun. *laughs*
I was really impressed, to say the least, and I really want to see another one. Definitely going to buy it when it comes out. That's for frickin' sure.