Nov 16, 2004 17:03
i do not know why i love it as much as i do, but i love estosm. it makes me happy. i went and had lunch with nate and joey belly today at cicis and it made me happy. i feel good today, but the way things go in my house that could dramatically change, but i always seem to hope for the best. in my older age cyniscicm(sp?) has begun to die out and opstimisim (sp?) is starting to take its toll. i am going to get pictures taken by my friend chuck with me and nate and the dogs. hes a professional and amazing. and hes short. even better. i am really excited about friday night and going to the nash and hanging out with corrinne and anna and amy and everyone else. its an all ages show, which means i dont know if there will be alchol there. im not much of a drinker, but it sounds like fun. i want to spend the night with amy that night and have a sleep over. i hope everything works out. everytime i talk to her she sounds like the saddest girl in the world, i feel her pain, wisdom teeth suck balls.