Feb 15, 2004 05:13
I was used to think of Valentine's Day as Remind Yourself You're Single Day, and get sick of all those people walking around hand in hand and being lovely to each other while the rest of the year, they're just destroying each other's lives by their selfishness and their fuckwitness. It was a cynical approach that now I put behind me, since yesterday was great.
There's something reassuring in watching Kate's son sleep. It's like nothing can ever get to him. He's peaceful, he's sleeping sound, and even if everything's a mess outside, his little bed is protected by all the love that surrounds him. It gives hope, to realise that this little human being will not remember these moments, but carry this love with him everywhere. Kate's eyes sparkle when she watches him sleep, and I feel special that she chose to share those unique moments with me.
Without being cheesy, my twin and my girlfriend are probably the most precious things I have in my life right now. Before I used to take Fab and Jules out for a hotdog on February 14th. Now I'm having some cake and some wine in my very own apartment with my little family. Now that we signed for a performance at Glastonbury festival, I want to take everyone overseas with me. Great beer, fish and chips, soccer, hysterical girls and the best tattoo shops : it's time for Ryder to know what real life tastes like.
EDIT this is my last cheesy post I promise.