Dec 14, 2008 18:05
It seems like the weekend goes by super quick and before i know it its time to get things ready for work.
I got most of my shopping done this weekend. The kids on both sides of my family are finished and i got mom a few things. I still need to buy my mom a few more things and also get something for grams. I'll probably finish sometime this week or by the weekend. Sat the mall was busy and i was only there for 2 things. Today the traffic out and around the mall wasn't bad.
Went out for dinner today with mom to the texas roadhouse. Quite yummy and I have leftovers for my lunch tomorrow.
I'm doing some laundry now and chilling, maybe pop in the Dark Knight again. Who knows.
Jodi finished Twilight yesterday and she loved it. I wish I had the other book to give her but Janelle has it and Kevin has the 3rd. The only Twilight book that is on my shelf is Breaking Dawn. So far everyone that has started reading the Twilight series loves it... I need to start the Sookie series. I have the 1st book upstairs but everytime I open a book i read 1 page and fall asleep. Maybe over the holiday.
My head is starting to hurt again, off to lay it on a pillow.
Until then