well, well, well!!! i see that i am finding myself getting up at ungodly times of the morning like...lets see 7 30 this morning..HOLY shit..lol my goodness...
well today is my last day to work at my job....BLAH! and then tomorrow and friday i work 8-4 for my mother!!! since she is having surgery!!!...
i really wish my boyfriend would get his ass up out of bed so that he cane come over here with me...lol :) but i still love him...
last night, me cody jake and sarah all went to my uncle todds and swam in their swimming pool, it was nice and refreshing..but cold at the same time...oh well! still nice tho! :)
so yeah..tomorrow i am getting my nose pierced...i am kinda scared...but i know i wanna do it!! so i am doing it!!!
then friday...IS MINE AND CODYS 1 YEAR anniversary!!! yay! i am so EXCITED! :) i dont know what we are going to do yet...i think we might go to hueston woods lodge for the night or something..that would be nice :)....
then saturday.... me cody andy and rach are gonna go canoeing...in whitewater, IN so yeah! it'll be some fun times then...
then sunday... we have church services in the new church building! so that'll be real cool!!!
then monday i think is the 4th!! yay! fireworkkkks! it'll be fun! i dont know exactly where me and cody are going...but i do know we are gonna watch them somewhere...i think we might go to brookville lake, im not for sure!...
but yeah, time for me to do some stuff around the house...then get ready for work!!!
i love you guys!
i love you cody dean miller!!!
me and momma!