
Dec 25, 2004 11:53

•I N F O R M A T I O N •
Name: Ciara Nikol Major AKA Niki
Single or taken: single
Sex: female
Birthday: November 3rd
Sign: Scorpio
Siblings: 1 brother & 2 sisters
Hair colour: dark brown/auburn, naturally dirty blonde
Eye colour: green and some other trippy shit
Height: 5'5"

• R E L A T I O N S H I P S •
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: straight
Who are your best friends?: Alissa and some others
You have a boyfriend?: yes
How many exes do you have?: ummm... 5, I think...
What is your longest relationship?: current (1 year on Dec. 31)
What was your shortest relationship?: 2 weeks?

• F A S H I O N | S T U F F •
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: tough choice... wherever the clothes are cheap and of decent quality... I love thrift stores
Any tattoos or piercings: Ears, bellybutton (before surgery), and large tattoo on lower back
Favorite designer?: dont care
What is your sexiest outfit?: corset, short skirt, heels
What is your most comfortable outfit?: jeans and a stretchy cotton tee shirt
What do you usually wear?: see above

• S P E C I F I C S •
Do you do drugs?: Nope
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences
What are you most scared of?: failure, lonliness
What are you listening to right now: The Killers
Who is the last person that called you?: George
Where do you want to get married?: Outdoors
How many buddies are online right now?: don't use AIM
What would you change about yourself?: My knee would miraculously be better, I would be thinner and more toned, I would half perfect teeth (like Zeke), no scars, I wouldn't let people get to me so easily, and I would not be a procrastinator

• F A V O R I T E S •
Colors: Black, silver, orange, green, red
Foods: pasta, veggies, chicken
Girl name: star, elizabeth, kathryn, skylene
Boy name: alexander, skylar,
Subjects in school: Newspaper, English 4 AP
Animals: ducks, shih-tzus

• H A V E | Y O U | E V E R •
Given anyone a bath?: yes
Smoked?: NO!
Bungee jumped?: I will after my knee heals
Made yourself throw up?: ya
Skinny dipped?: yep
Ever been in love?: i am right now.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
Pictured a crush naked?: Yea
Actually seen a crush naked?: yesindeedeedo
Cried when someone died?: yes
Lied: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: yes
Been rejected?: oh yea
Rejected someone?: yeah
Used someone?: never
Done something you regret?: no, because everything in the past makes us who we are today

• A R E | Y O U •
Understanding: very much so
Open-minded: oh yes
Arrogant: hope not
Insecure: yes!
Random: I hate those damn cell phone commercials that are out right now that tell you to text a certain number to get a new stupid ring tone or background... ugh.
Hungry: yea, but mom is cooking
Smart: not really... mediocrely so
Moody: na, not really
Hard working: yeah! I was in the workaholics section of hell!
Organized: HAHAHHAAAA! no.
Healthy: I try to be but my body has other plans...
Shy: to a degree
Difficult: can be I guess, I mean, I am a girl.
Attractive: I don't think so...
Bored easily: ADD! I sear I have ADD
Obsessed: nah
Angry: not often
Sad: sometimes
Happy: yepyepyep!
Hyper: given the right circumstances
Trusting: sometimes a little too trusting

• W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A •
Kiss: George
Punch: George's mom
Get really wasted with? I dunno
Get high with: nobody... no getting high for me.
Talk to offline: everybody!
Sex it up with: 1 guess...

• R A N D O M •
In the morning I: put my glasses on and throw the covers on Ewok so I can get out of bed.
All you need is: people that love me
Love is: everything
I dream about: all kinds of wierd shit
Sexual preference: yes please... haha
What do you notice first in the guy/girl you're into: Eyes and if they have a sense of humor

• W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R •
Coke or Pepsi: gross... water is supreme
Flowers or candy: flowers
Tall or short: Tall

• W H O •
Makes you laugh the most: Alissa
Makes you smile: George
Gives you that warm feeling: George
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