Merlin: Desperate Measures 6/?

Dec 30, 2012 23:53

Part Six

The conversation with Arthur left Merlin in a state. Since his arrival in Camelot, he had waited for this opportunity to reopen the door to magic. He did not for one second believe that Arthur was ready to make that leap, but for him to request Merlin to research the Old Religion gave Merlin hope. Unlike his father, Arthur did not lead with a closed mind. Stubbornness would not be his legacy. Arrogance maybe, Merlin thought with a faint smile, but definitely not stubbornness. Oh, yes, the bonds to Uther's reign were breaking. Still.

With his new position came his very own chambers within the castle. Arthur allowed him to choose-within reason-and Merlin chose quarters that were not too far from where he currently resided with Gaius. Servants were told to make the space ready for him and Merlin stood back in awe as others bustled about for him. It became too much and he left.


The high-pitched voice of Isotta, one of the court seamstresses, stopped many in their tracks and Merlin was no different. He froze.


"The Queen sent me to find you."

"Did she?" Merlin frowned. He'd seen Gwen earlier. She'd been surrounded by cloaks of red and looked none too pleased about it. "Where is she? Does she need me?"

"No, I am to take your measurements-"

"What?" Merlin stepped back as the woman approached him with her tape in hand. "Wait. Why?"

"The Queen told me to."

Merlin knew better than to go against Gwen, but he certainly did not want to be manhandled in a public corridor. He ushered Isotta into an empty chamber and allowed her to perform her task. Unease coursed through him as she prodded here and there. Only his mother picked him over like this and it had been ages since she had done so. When the seamstress finished, he found voice to question her.

"What is all this for?"

"For you," she said, looking at him as if he was daft.

"But why?" He persisted. "Did she say why? I have clothes. Maybe not many, but I have them."

"You're no longer the King's manservant, correct?"

He nodded with a shrug. Isotta's mouth pursed and her eyebrows lifted. Slowly, understanding dawned. His new position brought many new perks. Not just a new residence but also…attire. A faint smile parted his lips. It never would have occurred to him to ask. But in order to be taken seriously and seen as more than someone who had been the King's servant, fancier duds were required.

"Do you have color preferences?" Isotta asked.


Upon the woman's gasp, Merlin laughed.

"But I'll take blue…or brown. Or both. I like both."

Good humor stayed with him as he strolled through the castle. Arthur hadn't stated whether or not he'd make a formal announcement given the subject matter of Merlin's role concerned magic; yet, there seemed to be a difference in how others greeted him. Perhaps it was the confident stroll or the feeling that things were about to change. Merlin couldn't be sure, but he acknowledged the confused nods and waves with a wide smile and hearty wave. By the time he reached Gaius, he felt as if he was walking on a cloud and nothing could weigh him down.

"You look pleased with yourself," Gaius commented, peering over the rim of his glasses as he looked up from a worn tome of text. "Dare I ask why?"

"You're looking at Camelot's new Liaison to Magic-"

"You're what?" Gaius dropped his book and his glasses on the tabletop. The old man stalked across the stone floor with speed that Merlin hadn't seen him possess in years. Claw-like fingers dug into Merlin shoulders as Gaius shook him. "Have you gone mad?"

"Arthur released me from my manservant duties." Merlin carefully pried himself free of the physician's hold. "He wants me to research the Old Religion. He's finally interested in magic and not merely dismissing it as evil. He's even assigned me my very own chambers not too far from here."

The explanation did little to ease the troubled expression from Gaius' face. The lines on his face became more pronounced. "When did this happen?"

"Last night…this morning." Merlin shrugged. "I didn't want to say anything until I understood what he wanted."

"Do you?" Gaius fixed him with one of his typical discerning looks. As if he was deciphering Merlin from head to toe and trying to determine if he was of sound mind.

"Of course!" Merlin fought against agitation under the older man's perusal. "Look, I know what you're thinking and I know that I have to be careful. Arthur isn't lifting the ban against magic."

"So what is this really about?"

Merlin sat and nodded for Gaius to do the same. "Gwen, maybe. Morgana, definitely."

The physician stiffened at the mention of the Queen. "What about Gwen?"

"He asked her if she remembered what happened with Morgana." Merlin looked down at the table. He had so many regrets about the day Gwen was taken. If he had been with her and the knights, he knew that he could have stopped it. For the past six months, every time she apologized to him for her actions while under Morgana's spell, he wanted to apologize to her for not stopping Morgana years ago when he should have.

"Did she?"

Merlin nodded. "Releasing her from the enchantment was only half of what Gwen needed to be whole again."

"She's better now."

"Losing Elyan hasn't been easy," Merlin commented.

"Losing a loved one never is."

"But she has a glow about her now," Merlin said with a faint smile. "I just realized… Have you noticed?"

"Um…" Gaius abruptly stood. He turned his attention to straightening his papers and organizing the jars on his shelf.

Merlin's eyes narrowed as he watched the old man. "Gaius."

"I suppose with your new job you won't have time to help me anymore," Gaius said. "And then with you moving out, I'll probably never see you."

"You won't get rid of me that easy. What is it about Gwen?" Merlin said. He'd address the rest later. He could read Gaius well and he was onto something about Gwen.

"Whatever do you mean?" Gaius asked in a seemingly disinterested tone.

"I'm on to you." Merlin planted himself in the older man's path. "The guard's around her have doubled. Is she well or not? She's my friend and I want to know."

Gaius sighed. He raised his eyes to Merlin's and Merlin had to catch his breath. "What is it?" he whispered.

"She's with child-"

"Is that all?" Merlin all but yelled in one breath. He'd been afraid she was on her deathbed.

"To Arthur, it's everything," Gaius stated quietly. "You mustn't say a word to anyone. Not to Gwen and certainly not to Arthur."

"But this is wonderful news. We should be celebrating-"

"It's not cause for celebration for Arthur," Gaius said. "At least not yet. Morgana is still out there and it's clear she has no loyalty to Gwen whatsoever. What do you think she'd do if she knew about an heir? Then there's Ygraine…"

"What about Arthur's mother?"

"She died in childbirth-"

"But that was due to magic. A life for a life," Merlin said. "That's why his mother died."

"Arthur doesn't know that." Gaius placed his hand on Merlin's shoulder. "Remember?"

The number of lies Merlin had told over the years had added up, but each one were remembered. This was one he regretted having to speak, but it kept Arthur from killing his father. He knew that had Arthur slayed Uther for whatever the reason, his friend would never forgive himself.

"Yes." He chose his words carefully before he spoke again. "Maybe it's time Arthur knew the truth."

"He would never believe you. Besides, it's done now." Gaius patted his shoulder. "Just promise me you won't say anything about Gwen."

"I won't," Merlin said. "I'll do everything I can to keep her safe."


Arthur stared sightlessly at the documents spread before him. Gaius' assurances that Guinevere's loss of appetite and tiredness were normal for her condition set him at ease somewhat. Yet, throughout the day his thoughts often turned to her. He hadn't been so distracted since the early days of their courtship if one could call it that.

The doors to the throne room eased open. Leon and Gareth strode in. Their vibrant red cloaks flowed with majestic purpose. Arthur couldn't help but straighten with a sense of pride as two of his finest knights stood before him with loyalty shining brightly in their eyes. They would die for him and he would do the same for them.

"My Lord," they said with a nod.

Arthur smiled in reply. He gestured for them to sit. Once they had chosen chairs on either side of him, Arthur dove straight in.

"Leon, beginning tomorrow morning, you are in charge of training."

Leon's eyes widened in surprise. "Thank you, Sire. I appreciate the honor."

"You have more than earned it. When Percival returns, he will be your second in command."

"Yes, Sire," Leon said.

Arthur then turned to Gareth. The dark-haired knight came from the lower town. If Uther had still been alive, Gareth, like so many of Arthur's chosen, would never had been considered as one of Camelot's protectors. In numerous battles, the younger man had more than proven himself to be a mighty warrior. His ties to Camelot went back several generations and his loyalty could never be questioned.

"Gareth, I need you to recruit more men, but only the best."

Gareth, never one for many words, nodded his acceptance.

"Not just within Camelot," Arthur continued, "but also the outlying farms and villages. Even as far as Ealdor. I suggest you choose first from those who have no family obligations."

Gareth nodded. "Of course, Sire."

Arthur soon ended the meeting. He imagined the men were proud of their new assignments. Under other circumstances, he would not have thought twice to delegate his favorite duties to his knights. He had been in charge of training for as long as he could remember. It was in his blood. And recruiting… He could spot a worthy knight a mile away. But with Guinevere with child, delegating would have to suffice. Assigning a battalion of knights to guard her would never ease his mind. Not like being with her himself would. And he needed to be with her as much as possible.

"I'm sorry I'm late!"

The words tumbled out as Merlin stumbled into the room. Arthur shook his head. A retort lay ready on the tip of his tongue, but in all honesty, he wasn't in the mood for it.

"Sit, Merlin."

The other man scrambled into a chair. He fussed a bit with his new dark brown tunic and the embroidery on the cuffs. Arthur shook his head again. Apparently, a couple of days into his new role and Merlin was adjusting.

"How is the research coming?" Arthur asked.

"It's coming…"

Arthur frowned. "Need I remind you that Morgana's whereabouts are unknown. Gwaine and Percival are weeks overdue. Morgana hasn't been this quiet since Sarnum imprisoned her and since no one has claimed such an accomplishment, I cannot hope for the best."

"The best?"

"That she is no longer a threat," Arthur said through gritted teeth.

"We will find her."

"We have no choice." Arthur sighed. "Perhaps we can meet with the Druids."

"I'll leave at first light."

"You're not listening," Arthur said. "That's something a liaison should be able to do. I said 'we,' Merlin. We. We're going together."

"They may not speak freely with you there."

"That's a risk we'll have to take," Arthur said.


A walk on the grounds did much to boost Gwen's appetite if not her mood. It seemed no matter where she turned crimson red flowed in her line of vision. Knights haunted her every step worse than any shadow lurking about. Coupled with Arthur hovering over her whenever his duties to Camelot did not require his attention, she was on the verge of losing her temper.

At the threshold to the royal chambers, Gwen turned to her remaining two protectors with a fixed smile on her face. The two other knights who had accompanied them on the grounds had left as soon as they rounded the corridor. Now, as for Sirs Lamorak and Safir…

"You've both seen me safely to my chambers," she said.

The men nodded.

"I've sure you've been told not to leave me unattended."

The men responded with another nod.

Gwen wondered if Arthur had forbidden them to speak, but she cast the thought aside as she continued. "Now, that I am safely home again one of you may be dismissed. You can decide between yourselves."

They shook their heads.

She frowned. Irritation crept along her skin like an itch that refused to be relieved. Jaw set, she was all ready to make her order plain and clear when the flash of a familiar white tunic came into her line of vision. Arthur took her hand and had her inside with the door closed before she could voice protest.


The rest of his name was consumed by his kiss. His lips were warm and sweet on hers. Gwen found herself responding before her thoughts took hold to pull her away. Disappointment dulled the brightness in his blue eyes. A delectable pout settled on his full lips. She refused to succumb to usual tactics.

"They're too many!"

He pulled her back into his arms. "Too many what?"

"Knights guarding me," she said. "I can barely breathe. Surely you need them for something more important."

"There's nothing more important than you."

"But it's so restrictive."

"So." He kissed the tip of her nose.

"You're not taking this seriously."

"I take you very seriously, my love." He settled on a chair and rested her comfortably on his lap. To Gwen's surprise, he pressed his hand against her still flat abdomen. "Gwaine and Percival are still out there, searching for Morgana. It's been months since her last move and it's not like her to be so silent. I don't trust it. She's come for you before. I cannot assume that she won't do that again."

"So the guards are staying," she stated and asked at the same time.

He nodded once. "Without a doubt."

She caressed the hand that still held her. She wasn't naïve enough to believe that his fears about childbirth had abated, but this gentle caress was a beautiful sign of his becoming more receptive to their growing family.

"What are you thinking?" he asking. His other hand stroked her back in sweeping circles. "You have this…smile on your face. I hope I put it there."

"You did." She kissed his cheek.

He laughed. "Is it a secret?"


"Your thoughts."

"No," she said. "I was thinking about…" She paused to firmly place her hand on his. "Should we make an announcement?"

He stiffened. "Do you want to?"

"I would rather not," she answered honestly.

A sigh swept through her as his entire body relaxed. "Because of Morgana?"

"She's always hated that you chose me as your queen. If she knew I carried your heir, I fear what she'd do."

"I will find her," Arthur said. "I promise you that."

"As much as I want her found, I want you safe. I cannot bear to lose you," Gwen said. "My father and my brother are both gone. You and this child I carry are the only family I have left. If you promise me anything, Arthur, you must promise that in all things you will take care and do what you must to always come back to me."


Her heartfelt plea had produced tears. Arthur brushed them aside without a word. A few kisses on her cheek and a long lingering one on her lips offered further reassurance.

Dinner would come soon, but neither made move to change their arrangement with Gwen on Arthur's lap and he with his arms wrapped tightly around her. They enjoyed these moments. The responsibility of Camelot weighed heavily on both of their shoulders but whenever they could spend quiet moments together like this, it was treasured beyond measure.

"Merlin likes his new clothes," Arthur said with laughter in his voice. "I suppose I have you to blame for that."

"In his new position, he couldn't wear his manservant attire. Remember?"

Arthur smiled.

The transition from servant to royalty had not been easy for Gwen. Arthur had lavished many gifts on her and each one had left her more unnerved than the one before. Finally, he drew her aside and questioned her until she unloaded all her remaining doubts and insecurities. With his soothing manner, gentle voice, and sweet kisses, he explained that as much as he loved her no matter what she wore as the queen, she was assuming a role that went beyond his wife. As such, she required attire to correspond. People, nobility and commoners alike, responded to imagery and given her previous station as a servant, opposition would be plenty. None would be so bold as to voice it. However, Arthur assured Gwen that facing their supporters and detractors in costume, for lack of a better word, would be akin to him facing his opponents in armor. In time, it became a private joke between them, but Gwen would never forget Arthur's thoughtfulness when her early fears took hold.

"How is his research coming?"

"It isn't," Arthur said. "Not as well as I'd like."

"Merlin will find what you need. He knows how important this is."

"I'm not upset with him."

She caressed his jaw. "Really?"

"Well…" A little smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as her thumb teased his bottom lip. "Not too much. He and I are leaving to meet with the Druids at first light."

She moved off his lap.

"Where are you going?"

"To put a rush on dinner. Finally there's a use for one of my many guards."

She kissed his forehead. Then she gave her order to Sir Lamorak. Once back in the room, she headed to their wardrobe. All the while, she could sense Arthur's steady gaze following her every move.

"What are you doing?"

"You're full of questions tonight."

"If you weren't such a mystery…"

She felt his heat before he touched her shoulders.

"Those are your riding clothes," he said, commenting on the bundle in her arms. "No, Guinevere. You cannot come with us."

"Yes, Arthur, I am."

Arms folded across his strong chest, he frowned in exasperation. "Have you forgotten that I am King?"

She tossed her clothes on the bed, took two steps to stand flush against him, and curled her arms around his waist. "Are you aware that I am your Queen?"

"That is something I will never forget."

"As your Queen, I want to take this journey with you. The time will come when I will not be able to travel so easily." As his arms held her close, she added, "Please, do not deny me this."

"When you look at me like that, you make it impossible for me to deny you anything."

He buried his face against the curve of her neck and hugged her close. Gwen returned his embrace with equal fervor. She couldn't be sure whose body trembled more…hers or Arthur's.

A short knock on the door signaled the arrival of dinner. They slowly parted.

"After dinner, we'll speak with Gaius to make sure that riding will bring no harm to you."

Gwen smiled at the retreating back of her over protective husband. She would have him no other way.

"Of course, Arthur."

fandom: merlin, title: desperate measures, pairing: arthur x guinevere, status: in-progress, genre: romance, character: arthur, character: merlin, character: gaius, rating: nc-17, genre: drama, length: multi chapter, character: guinevere

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