So you can look at terrible/terrifying crafts at
Regretsy (thanks to
cloverest for the link), but here's one that would have elicited a spit take had I been drinking anything when I saw it. As it was, I snorted and then had to blow my nose. It's hilarious but also cringeworthy. (NSFW) In other news, I may be getting a cold, and naturally I'm not happy about it. I'm also paranoid about getting the flu since one of my office mates was out most of the week with it and the other office mate's son had it. Clorox wipes are in heavy use as is the Purell hand sanitizer.
I bought a CD for the first time in a while yesterday - it was used but it still counts, and it was kind of unexpected. One of my co-workers had this album Pop-Up by Yelle; it's French pop with a sort of 80s sound to it, and it's awesome. I wasn't really looking for it but I ran across it in Hastings, and since it was only like 6.99 I bought it. This is one of the songs and I've been humming it all day.
Ce Jeu - Yelle I really want to see Whip It. I probably won't make it out to the theater this weekend, but I'm determined to do so in the next week or so if possible.
Finally, if I have the energy later I plan to make crepes. Mmmm... crepes.