The Jaxie Legacy, Generation 7 Spares

Dec 01, 2010 18:54

Since when do you write SPARES chapters?!
Since Never.
… But I just so happen to love the spares so much this generation that I wanted to set up their lives for them. This chapter isn’t exactly very long, and took forever to play seeing as life with the spares was a bit boring and uneventful. This means I don’t plan on making anymore spares chapters for future generations at this stage, but you never know.
Anyway, hope you enjoy! :D (warning, it's pretty crap xP)

If it wasn’t clear enough already, Shaylee won heir vote even though I’m not entirely sure why…

Shaylee: “It’s because I’m fricken fabulous, duh!”

Yeah okay, you keep telling yourself that hun.

Shaylee: “… And she wonders why she didn’t win heir. Mac and Cheese is 100% carbs you know!”

I thought you were meant to be ‘friendly’?

Shaylee: “Yeah, when I want to be.”


I don’t think I mentioned this last chapter, but Evan’s LTW is to become a director. Seeing as it’ll never happen, I thought I’d at least get him a job in the industry.

Trent: “Look at the way she eats: She disgusts me. She could at least stop to chew for crying out loud!”

Cupcake: /coughs /splutters.

Trent: “She deserved that, that teaches her! CHEW!”

Trent: /coughs /spultters.

Cupcake: “Karma’s a bitch Trent, maybe that teaches you to not talk with your mouth full.” :)


Don’t you just love when the Bridgeport water supply becomes infested with some sort of mysterious black goo?



So when the water turns black, don’t be surprised when a crazy black dude shows up driving around the town in a pink truck! I warned you!

Trent: “Hmmmmm…..” >:(


Trent: “That emo girl is looking rather suspicious don’t you think? She looks rather upset about something…”

Oh yeah, it’s very unusual to see an emo to be upset.

VampyVamp: “HAHAHA that guy’s hat is so dorky and hilarious!”

Well at least he’s not related to a vicious vampire named Edwardo that can’t hold his liquids!

VampyVamp: “How dare you? That was uncalled for.”

Meh, make a bridge and get over it.

Tallulah: “Mwahahaha, burn metal, buuurn!” >:)

Shouldn’t you be wearing some sort of protective glasses?

Tallulah: “I don’t want to lose them in my marvelous metal monster!”

Trust me Lulu, there are many worse ways to lose glasses than that…


Cupcake: “Red sparklies, is it FINALLY happening?!”

I bloody hope so. It took about 3 sim days for something to finally happen other than annoying pop ups and a mood modlet. I’m quite impatient sometimes, so after about 3 sim days of waiting I was about ready to pull my hair out :P


Sometimes I wish I was a sim.
This is one of those times. I want some kickass lazer eyes dammit! ;(

Cupcake: “Oh yes, I think I am going to rather enjoy this….” >:)
“Thank you mysterious ‘mosquito’ bite.” ;)

Yup, just forget about the fact a vampire sucked your cupcakealicious blood; it was totally all the mosquito’s fault -_____-

I’ve been waiting for an excuse to makeover Cupcake’s room, and the time seemed right, so tadaaaahr! Small, simple, and sexy ;D Any room that has the 3 S’s has my immediate tick of approval ;)

EA preset noises : /freaky awesome vampire going-to-bed music.

I literally made her get up and go back to sleep about 5 times in a row to hear the cool going-to-bed and waking-up sound effects EA put in there for us :D They’re raddtacular!


I still don’t get why the vampy’s float above their coffin rather than sleeping in it like normal vampires, but it’s waaaaay cooler so idc :D

Evan: “People are gonna be sorry they didn’t vote for me once they see this.”

See what?

Evan: /killer hotness sexy grins.

:O /melts.
/ jizzes in pants.
Half of you guys did too, admit it! ;P

Cupcake: /runs faster than the speed of light.

Cupcake: “Heh heh heh…”

Cupcake: /suckles plasma juice.

We’re not five EA. You could just call it a blood pack.

TweedleDum: “OH, THE HORROR!” D:

Pervy gnomes;

Mary Anne: “OMG wtf, I’ve been cloned?!” D:

Mary Anne, it’s just Shaylee, chillax.

Mary Anne: “Yahuh, we’ll I’ll be watching you, ‘Shaylee’…”


Nawwh, he’s all tuckered out (: ehehe.

Mary Anne: “Nuh uh, no way are you sucking my blood!”

Cupcake: “But Mary Anne, sharing is caring!”

Mary Anne: “NOOOOOOO.”

Cupcake: “Fine then, be that way, square.”

Bahaha, lol ;P

Papparazzo: “Holy shit it’s Mary Anne demonstrating her excellent fingering skills on her instrument!” /takes photo.

The paparazzi annoy me. All the doors and gates around the house were locked and they STILL manage to get in… Stalkers!

Trent: “Nahh relax Nik, I gave her a key.”


Shaylee: “Oooh, my toe nails are pretty!” (:

/game crashes.


Anyway, it’s at this point that I finally decided to focus on the spares. First thing, I moved both Evan and Lulu into an apartment to share until I set up their lives. I was unlazy this time and actually took snapshots of the apartment, incase you’re interested:

Evan: “Moving makes me tired, I’ma go to bed.”

Tallulah: “Nuh uh, I don’t think so buddy! I call the shots here, so I decide when you’re allowed to go to bed. Don’t make me sim fu your ass! I’ll do it!”

Evan: /sighs. “I have a bad feeling about this…”

Tallulah: “Well then you wouldn’t wanna mess with me then, would you? We’re going to have lots of fun, roomie; lotsssssss.”

I am very worried for Evan’s safety :/

Evan: “Nomnomnom waffles!” :D

Tallulah: “He took the bait; SCORE! Now to play the waiting game….” >:)

Beginning to think this was a bad idea…

Evan: “I like this part of town… Mmmmzzzz….”

It’s only because of AlottaTitie isn’t it? /sighs, stupid EA and their unrealistic-ness of women.

If this is as close as Bridgeport’s going to get to a Horrie clone, then I am more than happy to settle!

BouncerHorrie: “Haaii.”

/fan girl shrieks :D



Evan: “Stupid ninjafied doors…” /mutters under breath.

Like father, like son :P

Tallulah: “Ya’ll just wait, I’m gonna turn out super gorgeous and you’s are gonna regret not voting for me! Just you wait and see,” >:)

I normally don’t age up my teens early but I can’t really set up Lulu’s life for her if she’s still in school, so… (:

Evan: “Whoo Lulu, you look great!”

Tallulah: “Mmmhmm, got that right,” ;)

Evan: “Just look at you! Your boobs developed too! I’ve never been so proud to be your brother!” :D /claps.

Tallulah: “……..”

…. Ooookaaaaay….

Just thought I’d point this out.
That is all.

Tallulah: “Check me out! If I couldn’t make guys slave over me before, I sure can now!” >:)

Nawh, how cute is she? I don’t think it’ll take her long to find true love…

Tallulah: “Yeah, a rich true love! Mwahaha, money money money!” >:D

Tallulah: “How you doin?” ;)

Senor`Snob: /sarcastic glare.

No better time than the present to find Lulu a gorgeous and rich true love. First stop, that dance club that looks like a warehouse. So far the only guy to turn up is a major snob, so we’ll have to wait for the next hottest thing to walk through the door…

…Aaand that would happen to be Cupcake.

Cupcake: “This light makes my hair look more red than ginger; I don’t like that.”

Tallulah: “Hey grandma Cupcake, I dare you to make out with the guy in my speech bubble!”

Cupcake: /looks up at speech bubble. “Why not? He looks friendly enough.”

Note to Sims: Sim Character User Pics are Misleading.

Cupcake: “Hey.”

Senor`Snob: “Hey.”

Smooth move.

Cupcake: “Okay well, let’s do this then shall we?”

Tallulah: “Ew this is going to be too gross,” /closes eyes.

Senor`Snob: “Uhh no, I don’t think so.”

Cupcake: “WHY ON EARTH NOT?!”

Cupcake: “Oh… I get it… It’s because I’m vampy, isn’t it? I expected better from you than racism. Good day!”

Nawh, that’s rather sad. Who would have thought the citizens of Bridgeport would have been so anti-vampy?

:| well that’s rather nice.

SluttyDancer: “I’m trying to get that guy with the cap’s attention, is he looking? ;) /pelvic thrusts.

Ehh, looking away if that counts?

Cupcake: “Not even these tantalizing sparklies can cheer me up after that racism incident.” :(

Awwwh, my poor Cupcakey! ):

Wait, hold that thought -

Cupcake: “Hey bartender! If I’m Edward Cullen, how would you like to be Bella Swan?” >:D

Bartenderino: /creeped out.

Boy, I hope she is only referring to Edward drinking Bella’s blood D:

Tallulah: “This workout video is very suggestive.”

It’s intentional >;P

Tallulah: “You can’t be #ucking serious.”

If you roll a want to be friends with this guy, I can’t see why you shouldn’t marry him? It’s win-win!

Tallulah: “Maybe for you.”

Well of course. Who else would it be win-win for?

Tallulah: -________-

Tallulah: “You remind me of a big plump teddy bear. Wanna be my teddy bear?”

Worst. Pickupline. Ever.

Evan: “She moved the mat, that bitch!”

Someone definitely has to move out a-sap.

Tallulah: /slurp.

I guess it’s good that their relationship is progressing fast though.

Tallulah: “Hey, guess what big boy?”

Derick: “What?”

Tallulah: “You’re about to get lucky.” ;)

Derick: “Really? Eeee!”

Tallulah: “A buh-bye Nikki.” /elevator closes.

You really think I would have stuck around for that anyway?!


Derick: “Yes’m! I’m a sex god!” :D


Tallulah: “Hey guess what BouncerHorrie? I just had SEX!” :D

I’m sure he’s proud of you.

Poor Evan. His life is so dull he thinks about purple toothbrushes.
I really must do something about that :/…

… After announcing Lulu’s pregnancy! :3

Tallulah: “Hello little fiendish specimen inside of me,” /rubs tummy.

Duuuuude, we don’t want that baby if you drop it.

If you haven’t figured it out already, Evan’s adopting! :D
Since the idea of him being with anyone other than my simself sickens me, I’ve decided to allow him to adopt until he finds the one (aka sim me ;D)

Lulu, that’s not your baby.

Tallulah: “The adoptererer guy gave him to me, thus, mine.”

Uh oh…

Tallulah: /steals candy.

Evan: “She stole little Evan junior’s candy! How dare she!” /freaky eyes. /snatches baby.

Evan: “Don’t worry Evan junior, the nasty skank won’t bother you again!”

Yeah! And neither will her evil elf book!

Against Evan’s wishes, I’ve named him Austin Jaxie. He is a disciplined and athletic green French crepe lover ;)

To make room for a nursery for Austin, I’ve had to renovate part of Evan and Lulu’s joint room, therefore the time has come for her to move out into her boyfriend’s place.

Derick: “I’m lonely,” :(

Nawh, never fear! Lulu’s on her way!

Tallulah: “I will KILL that ninja door!” >:(

Like father, like son AND daughter! ;P
Mind you, that can’t be safe for the baby.
If it comes out retarded it’s because of that.

Lucky for Lulu it just so happens that Derick is rather wealthy and has a massively gorgeous apartment! I think she’s going to have no problem settling in here…


Derick: “EEEE, please god kill me now so I don’t have to be here to witness THIS!” D:

Tallulah: “Okay, I changed my mind - Birth is worth it.”

Yeah, only to simmies squirm >:)

I knew that elevator fall would retardify the baby!
/coughs, anyway, this is Ellijah Jaxie, and because I want to see what he’ll look like, I’m going to grow him up prematurely ;D

I highly doubt that angle is going to result in the candle going out…

Tallulah: “Shuddup I’m trying!”

Ellijah: /waves retardly.

Well at least he isn’t part of the main legacy.
I guess that’s a plus :P

Anyway, here are Eli’s stats. He’s still rather cute despite his retardeness :3

Derick: “EEE, I look like a freak! The circus clows are gonna come after me!” D:

Oh shutup, you look hell hot ;)

Derick’s lost all his weight and has become a major hottie, just in case you’re blind ;D
He looks so much more manly, I love it ;)
He also looks like his name should be Alejandro.
I might change his name at city hall to Alejandro actually :P

Derick: “She’s thinking about hitting me. Oh god, oh god, how did I get into this?!”

Okay so he may not be more manly, but he’s still fair hot ;)

And I’ll end this spares chapter with another sexy picture of Derick with his stats.

How gay was that chapter? I feel gayer for writing it :3
To make this chapter, enjoy the little quiz below.
X - nikkstarrr11;

Fill in the blanks to these mystery words:

1. BOO_S
2. _ _ NDOM.
3. F_ _ K
4. P_ N _S
5. PU_S_
6. S_X

Answers:1. BOOKS 2. RANDOM 3. FORK 4. PANTS5. PULSE 6. SIX.- You got all 6 wrong, didn't you? You perverted minded freak! And guess what? Nikki loves you for it! ;D

the jaxie legacy

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