Jan 27, 2006 23:14
Hey there,
Just thought I'd give a quick update. Yeah, life has been pretty hectic really. I had the ICT nab which I failed; but it's only a NAB, so i can resit - or so I keep telling myself. I was quite annoyed about it, actually. Miss. Sneddon just looked at me in disappointment - I don't like her very much, though.
I had the french listening today which was surprisingly easy. Well easier than I thought it'd have been. I think there were a few of the answers which I've probably f*cked up. I don't care. I'm aiming for an A+ which I think I might get, but let's see.
We found another mouse in my house, but it was dead. i feel quite bad for them because they're clearly freezing from the cold, but obviously, they are unhygienic, so who would want them in their house.
Speaking of houses, there have been no signs of a new house yet, but I've been told that we're definitely selling this house - not in agreement, might I just add.