Apr 20, 2006 03:35
So I watched this expose on 9-11... Just when I thought that our government was pretty fucked up... Basically, our government murdered over 2200 people intentionally on 9-11 to gain psychological control over the American people. If I were invited to a presidential meeting and Bush offered to shake my hand, not only would I refuse to do so, I would spit in his face. He and his administration are a disgrace to American democracy and should be tried as a war criminals and terrorists for crimes against America. Somebody should invade us and oust this evil dictator and his cronies controlling our country with fear. I haven't been so shocked, appalled, and pissed off by a piece of footage since seeing the 9-11 attacks actually happen. Felicia, you have to set up a public Peace Club screening for the movie that I'm getting. Ramsay and I are working on getting it screened here at Western as well. This is really important guys. Watch it. Even if you took it with a grain of salt, this isn't some Michael Moore opinionated left wing propaganda, this is something far more honest and disturbing. By the end of seeing this movie I have never been so disappointed and violated as an American.