ah~ today was ok i guess lol ♥

Jul 17, 2011 22:42

kon kon konbanwa~ (*´ 0`*)ノ コンバンワ♪
so today was pretty good~ ヾ(o´▽`)ノ
i saw....lovely things~ (ノ∀`*)
and heard ...more lovely things~ (〃艸〃)ムフッ
i got a frappe ('v')ニヤリ・・
and the surprise party last night turned out good! ヾ(≧▽≦)ノ
turned out really well
mumsies loved it ((ヾ(。・ω・)ノ
and now, im watching Paranormal State
thank you megavideo ((though you're crappy too...))
i miss the show so much ((ヾ(*´・ω・)ノ゙)) 
everytime an episode gets bumpy, i get concerned
for everyone (´_`。)グスン
my favorite is Chip as always *:.。☆..。.(´∀`人)
b/c he's so cool and straightforward
lol i also love Ryan (of course~) スキ━・:*(〃∇〃人)*:・━!!!!
hmm so do you guys like my new lj look? d(ゝc_,・。)OK♪
mhm new background, banner, and icons
it's just so me. simple and not so overbearing ヾ(´▽`*)
but still visible..still....colorful
ok well back to my PS marathon
ヾ(´○` )お♪( ´▽`)や♪(´ε` )す♪( ´θ`)ノみ♪

 <-- its a really cute and wonderful website where i got my new stuff. its hard to find a GOOD website that has kawaii stuff

life, murmurs, nandemonai wasting time!

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