My Birthday + Jin A. Con :D

Nov 17, 2010 23:26

:D kon kon konbachiwa~
anyways~ ...wohoo im older today~! ♥
i had a good birthday this year
not a lot of things happened this year
but the little things were very special and nice.
a week ago however, I WENT TO THE JIN AKANISHI CON IN SF!
my uncle paid my ticket as a bday gift.
it was $120! for the floor tickets!
UGGH couldve tapped---*coughs* nvm =w=;
anyways, it was super lovely
he was a great dancer and singer
but........he never like..shook or touched/tapped our hands ;<
the girls who were with me were so close to him but no touch~
then i heard of JE's policy DX grr oh well
at least hip thrusts were practically at my face lolol
(uhm i didnt mean anything bad about that last line XDD)
it was a major rush!
i was squealing when he sang love juice > w<)~
and JOEY! OOMMG JOEY was so cute XDDD
the non english speaking fans (japanese mostly) were a bit lost at some parts like the MC
because everything was in english
including little games jin would play with us~
but no matter, everyone was happy ^_^
during the last song, we held up papers that were given to us prior of the show
basically it was to cheer jin up! help motivate him! :D
we all wanted an encore...but ppftt stupid scary guards forced everyone out. :/
well...jin was lawl he looked so happy (glowing even) being on stage
you can see and feel his joy.
i am happy to see his dreams come true and take part in it :3 ♥♥
oh ....i also...GOT AAAALL HIS CON GOODIES! >D
lmao i STILL have the wristband on XDD it quite funny in line when i got them.
ticket master stated to be at the theater at 4 for wristbands but wasnt completely organized
and even the staff didnt even know what to do.
we didnt get our wristbands to 4:30
my friend keichi and i stayed in line and talked about Je and other stuff until 7 when we were let in.
after the con, OMMMMMMGGGG i find keichi and my uncle drunk
but keichi looked uncle was the obvious one lol.
so we walked out and went to eat pho :D wohoo~ (first pho experience)
then we lost wandering around downtown SF and it was like..midnight LOL
FINALLY we just caught a cab and went to get keichi's car and he drove my uncle and i to my uncle's house.
i stayed in SF all the way until friday night.
my uncle , mom, dad, and i ate in japan town for dinner and i had crepes afterwards hehe wohooo
so TODAY my actual birthDATE was pretty fun and plain
i got a present from a friend i barely talk to! it was so sweet of her~~ > w< ♥
then, after school during dance practice, i recieved birthday hugs and kisses from everyone :3
lol of course i got hugs but i made everyone kiss me (my cheek) lolol
afte practice, my mom gave me some cupcakes she made and i handed them out to my friends (after a hug~)
lawl it was fun. :3 ♥
i think im typing too much and im becoming boring ^_^;;;;;; so ima just stop here
i'll go back to my daily blogging tomorrow. (not cut out for fanfics anymore lol)
oyasumi :3

con report!, holiday, bithday, je spazz

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