Feb 13, 2007 23:22
If all of upstate is closed down why the hell isn't CCC? It's located up on a huge windy dangerous hill!?!
It's dangerous is good weather! Jesus!
It better be closed tomorrow because my car won't make it up that god forsaken hill anyway. At least my ASTR exam is cancelled tomorrow. sweet!
By the way, I'm on break next week, well technically starting Friday at 1 pm. Yay for me :)
Oh and I'm in my new apartment and I love it.
If you want the address or anything lemme know, I don't know why you would, but... haha
Maybe someday I'll get a digital camera (since mine bit the dust for no fucking reason and FujiFilm won't fix it even though it's a mechanical thing that I couldn't have done, and I can't afford to have it fixed or buy a new one. I hate FujiFilm now. I want a damn digi!!) anyhoo... maybe someday i'll get my hands on a digi and take pictures of my lovely new apartment (and my oh so cute roommate).
Anyone interested in a fun game with me? It involves stenciling, I've thought of starting up a game dealio with it, but first I need the time and money to get the resources since i'm incredibly poor (thanks to Macy's. Seriously don't shop there, it fucked me over and now I can't afford anything) but yeah. Lemme know if you're intrigued and would like to know details. haha. oh wait, i need a digi for that too, damnit!! >:O