May 28, 2006 03:02
Today has been filled with ups and downs.
Candace and I went to that festival/street dance which was fun, i liked watching everyone make a fool of themselves trying to dance, and i liked hanging out with her.
However, there is always something that makes me day, just i dunno, kind of sad.
My cousin is in the hospital, he got flown to somewhere in TN, he overdosed. So my mom is with him, she rode there with my aunt. I'm home alone, which gives me time to think about things, things I haven't really given much thought, but now they have caught up with me.
Last night I watched Thirteen, and cried, and I'm going to watch it again, and probably cry some more.
I'm depressed.
I hope i get my license next week so i can escape to some place and clear my head.
I need to get away.
Any one wanna come with me?
Blah Blah, I type/whine too much.
The whole point was that I'm sad right now.
the end.