(no subject)

Dec 17, 2004 03:19

oh my gosh! finals..boo...home..SO FAR AWAY! it's friday morning and so many people are already done with finals and at home or on their way home. Me on the other hand, I am rotting away as I vegetate in front of my computer attempting to learn why alkaline proteases produced by bacillus licheniformis are oh so important to society. oh man haha by the way, I haven't even started finals yet for all ya'lls information! wow amazing ahhaha. By the time I get back home it'll be Christmas! Yay but wait..that could be kind of badbut oh well. haha i guess shopping will have to be crammed into one crazy tue night next week after Jane and i are finally finished with our finals (and by the time we are the only ones left in these God forsaken dorms)! hmmmm so much information swirling in my head! oh gosh. well back to studying! oh by the way love ya miss ya see ya soon.
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