Mar 13, 2009 18:35
Cane toad in the freezer.
Shaun came home just before with some of his friends: Felix & Melinda. Asked F if he was any good at toad catching. "Oh yeah! I love catching them. M: "Me too! We always go to the toad busting nights and catch heaps of them!"
I lifted up the fridge and Mel caught it in her bare hands.
Ugh ugh ugh!!!
This is even *after* it secreted it's poison!
and she's a dainty, pretty little thing! and she said that if ever there's another, just catch it in a bucket (upside-down), secure the bucket and she'll come after school to deal with it.
Felix said on their way out: "I'm just around the corner. Just call any time you get another one."
thank god for that! I have teenagers to look after me! LOL
cane toads