(no subject)

Sep 29, 2006 14:35

Yesterday kinda sucked. I was more than pissed off, and just in an all around bad mood. I have no specific reason why. My phone went dead and then wouldn't charge. I was in the middle of writing something and then my internet connection went out and I lost it all.

I got home and Jonathan IM'd me to see what I was up to. I told him I was pissy and didn't really feel like doing anything. He asked me to come over anyways and we would have wine, cheese and board games waiting for me so I would cheer up.

I learned how to play chess. It's as boring as I thought it would be. The wine and cheese was awesome. Then he surprised me with the bestest gift ever. Jon Stewart tickets for Oct. 6!!!!

I hate metaphorical dick measuring contest.

I am not unsure about going to California. I can just not go and use the ticket some other time. Daniel is going to be in town tomorrow and I want to hang out and see him! Watching an Austin band in Boston will be fun. Jonathan will probably go with me. Oh, we're also going apple picking in Harvard since the weather will be nice tomorrow during the day.
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