I got my Cocoa Otoko 5th single DVDs (Jacket A and B) and Miss Boys Making of DVD! I got the Seishun Diary version because it focuses on ShoKen mainly.
Isn't it pretty?
I got Yone-san in Jacket B as a trading card...and for Jacket A I got..... MY BABY TAKUYA! *O*
I screamed in the canteen when I saw it XD
Actually I had to send thee package to a friend of mine since my mum doesn't like me buying these stuffs although it is my own money.
I haven't even seen the PVs or the DVDs yet although I've seen people upload it but I just wanted to watch it when I get my DVDs.
And now I shall wait for CO.'s first album to arrive on my doorstep. Then, I shall order CO.'s MOTEL DVD boxset since I've gotten quite some points from CDJ *kisses CDJ*
That's all from me for now :3