Nov 16, 2004 19:38
argh yesterday was stressfull
finding some darn character shoes in my size (which I didnt) I had to buy a size to small, so im going back again today hopeuflly if elhai doesnt care and i can exchange for the pair thats 2 big
stupid stupid dress, its so tight, just like i said it would be, everything for this darn foot auction is falling apart.......
argh and the computer in my room wount work anymore, so i have to use my sisters
it sucks
So up update from this morning is
Elhai decieded that my costume wasnt period, so all that sewing was for nothing, so now im wearing thie blue dress....thats about all i can say...its actually looks a ton better though...long sleves, turtule neck look, down to my i gotta add something to it to make it look better
going to get character shoes right about now
more happy