What does it mean to be Pro-Life/Pro-Choice?

Jan 23, 2009 13:34

Warning: This is not an entry for hard-line Pro-Lifers. Please respect my entry for what it is and not as me being for or against anyone who has a differing opinion

With yesterday being the anniversary of the Row v Wade decision and President Obama overturning an executive order written by Reagan and Bush to deny federal funding to organizations that provide abortions, I thought that this was an opportunity for me to talk about my logical approach to the abortion issue.

I am Pro-life for myself. Meaning that I find the act of an abortion to be horrible. That it does have moral implications to the individual who choses to have one, but that I believe that that is between them and their God and therefore it is not my job to judge. I would not have an abortion for myself today. But in my younger years, I was completely pro-choice.

My problem with the Pro-Life activism that happens in the United States is that for me the abortion issue is two issues in one. When you ask a woman to have an unplanned pregnancy, and you are asking a woman who has socio-economic problems, you are asking for the additional strain of social services. That means women on welfare, WIC or children who are malnutritioned or abused. I am not saying all these women end up like this, but believe me I have known my share of women like that. They didn’t have the tools to be mothers both emotionally and financially. I honestly wonder how their kids are doing now in their teenaged years since I don’t speak to any of those women today since we were teenagers then. And honestly right here I am only speaking of viable pregnancies.

I am not sure I want to be the one in non-viable pregnancies to tell a woman that she has to lay down her life for her child. Or tell a women in cases of rape and incest to go through with those pregnancies. And yes, I do know a woman who is a product of rape and she’s pretty well adjusted and I am happy she was born. But the act of rape is horrible and the scars don’t heal EVER! A little fact I happen to know for a fact.

And another thing, some Pro-Lifers want abstinence only education! It's honestly like asking for more teenage pregnancy. I think abstinence and sex ed can both be taught. It's not a one or the other proposition. And making kids aware of the STDs they can catch and letting them know AIDs is rising fast amoung people their age might work to our advantange.

I don’t want this to sound all pro-choicy, but I think that there is a diconnect for people who want people to have kids they can’t afford or may kill them, but not want to pay the taxes for social services and education for these children. A raise in your taxes is what would absolutely be necessary for these children to even have a fair chance in life. There is only so much boot strap pulling one can do.

Being a product of a true boot strap story, I also know it’s possible, but the four other sibilings in the boot strap story didn’t fair as well.

I guess my problem with the argument on either side is it tends to be one sided. So, I don’t know the solution other than to remain Pro-Life/Pro-Choice.


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