A little rant about beef...

Sep 12, 2008 19:36

Well, that's it. No more generic american beef for me. I think I value my heath a bit more than that. I'm only buying from local farms where I know what the cows are eating. Chicken too, I think.
I just read this book "Mad Sheep" by Linda Faillace.  www.amazon.com/Mad-Sheep-Story-Behind-Family/dp/1933392762/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1 It was absolutely horrible what this family went though, and what the USDA did to them... basically accusing them of having sheep contaminated with Mad Cow Disease, despite negitive testing, clean records, and the fact that sheep don't get Mad COW Disease. Why? I think it all came down to protecting the interests of the cattlemen... diverting attention away from american cattle by focusing on the small farms. It shows how corrupt the USDA has become.

What really hit me was the fact that although bonemeal and animal by-products were supposively banned from cattle feedlots in the US, 70% of them still feed their animals these unhealthy proteins (it fattens them up faster, and is more economical. Money, money, money!). The USDA also tests barely 0.01% of cattle for BSE (Mad Cow Disease).  It's too expensive, it would make people more aware of BSE and encourage them to only buy tested meat, and it would make american beef look bad if they found positive results.
And here is the clincher: Alzheimers is on the rise. 4.5 million americans are affected. It's now the fourth leading cause of death. Alzheimers and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (the human varient of Mad Cow) have very similar symptoms. Pharmaceutical companies don't want doctors to diagnose and report patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, even if it is diagnosed correctly. (They use cow-products in their drugs. Think meletonin, Heparin, dietary supplements, sex hormones... hell, GELLCAPS!) So instead, doctors claim the patient has Alzheimers... after all, CJD is not even a reportable illness in this country. So how many patients being treated for Alzheimer's actually have CJD? One clinical study I found claims 13% of their patients with Alzheimers actually had CJD.  In another study, twenty percent or more of people clinically diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease are found at autopsy to not have had Alzheimer's at all. 
Very interesting.... 
Then there is the fact that Japan will only import american beef if the cows are 20 months old or younger. Why? Cows that young don't catch Mad Cow Disease.  
Well, that pretty much convinces me. Thankfully, I live in an area where there are several good farms fairly close by that sell all-natural, hormone-free, grass-fed beef. And chickens.
I wish I had my own house with property and gardens and chickens... I wish I could be more self-sustainable.
*visualizing.... visualizing...visualizing...*
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