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May 15, 2011 12:07

So yesterday was my last day working with Ashli before she heads off to her summer internship, which was also Pretty Pretty Princess/Mojito day. Gotta say, I felt like kind of a dork going into work and putting on my tiara...

...until my manager decided me dressed up + tiara = Nikkie being huggably cute. ^_^

Ashli and I got a lot of comments on the tiaras, which mainly were "...so what's the deal with the tiaras?" and "...you know you should really stop celebrating the royal wedding IT'S OVER." which made us laugh.

After work, we went out for Mojitos with Sheila, mainly because Sheila and I have been watching Sam Axe/Bruce Campbell slug them down on Burn Notice and wondered what they tasted like.

...they were OK.

Came home after to find two ENORMOUS FUGLY MOTHS floating around my room. My attempts at swatting them were failed because they kept gravitating towards my ceiling and I was too short to reach them. Managed to swat one of them when it smacked against the ceiling fan and fell to the ground but the other buzzed about bugging me until my brother BK came home...

Me: BK! There's a moth in my room and I'm too short to get it! KILL IT!
[insert Benny Hill music as my younger brother chases the moth around my room, swatting wildly, until instead of killing the moth, a rogue swing knocks out my ceiling light.]
BK: ...Nikkie... I think I may have gone too far.

We managed to find some bulbs and fix the light and BK was ready to admit defeat until I saw evil moth hugging the wall over my book case. Like a mighty hunter, BK leapt over it and squished the foul beast.

There was much shouting and gleefulness and worried confusion on the part of BK's girlfriend...

Never a dull moment here. ^_^
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