Mother Nature Has A Sense of Humor

Dec 09, 2010 12:52

My schedule this week dictated that I work 6 days out of the week, having only Thursday off. Since Sunday, I've been fighting bad weather.

Sunday- Not terrible, but no plows/salt trucks out. Slippery.
Monday- Blizzard, go 35 MPH on highway for an hour + to get into work. Bunk with Joe and Vanessa instead of fighting my way home.
Tuesday- Get stuck outside Joe's house, Joe has to push me out. Five minutes later, fishtail while making turn. Slide around parking lot, but make it home after going slowly on Interstate.
Wednesday- More snow, periods of white out which do not deter semi trucks from going full speed in passing lane, scaring shit out of me. Take back way home, which is very bumpy.
Thursday- Day I have no place to go or be - SUNNY AND CLEAR.

Forecast for the weekend: more snow.


The next couple of months are gonna be huge laughs.
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