So I called work today to place an order for a book to be shipped to the store... and Sheila said that she heard Bonnie might return by the 24th! Of this month! YAAAAAY BONNIIIIIEE! Good lord, I miss that woman... and she must be going stir crazy having been on med leave for three months now! This is exciting! I'm not looking forward to my hours getting cut back, but dangit do I miss her! Now I really have to haul ass and finish the new Miles Edgeworth game quickly so I can lend it to her!
Oh, and The Child Thief? Really awesome! Finished it last night!
On the subject of coworkers, could you guys do me a solid? My former coworker AJ is still hard at work with his video logs and stuff. He's still working on getting his videos out there and gain a following, so if you have, oh... 1 minute and 59 seconds to spare, could you click here and check out his latest work? It's a short bit about the latest video game he's working on. It's entertaining! (The ending cracked me up!)
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