(no subject)

Oct 02, 2009 12:17

Wedding/con update is impending, I just needed to take a minute to vent.

This weather. Is. KILLING me.

This year has been the shittiest I can remember in terms of weather. The summer was cold and overcast and it's been doing nothing but raining for the past two weeks and I think it's kicking my seasonal affected disorder into gear early and I HATE IT. Wasn't one of my resolutions this year to be a happier person? Weren't things supposed to get better? Now it's October, and instead of going out and enjoying myself, the weather is making it so that I don't want to leave my house. REALLY don't want to go to work, need to find a new job, but so damn uninspired, all I want to do is sleep. Right now, it's so windy that my house is loud and I'm the only one here. The grapes are in season and I can't even smell them when I walk outside the door, which is one of those small pleasures I get from living in Pennsylvania's buttcrack. And apparently, the prediction for a mild winter has changed to a prediction for another BAD one and I just don't know how I'll handle another season where we get over 100 inches of snow in a month.

I need to kick my ass into gear and make some changes. Find a job that is closer to home so I don't freaking lose it in the next coming months and occupy myself. And I splurged and bought the Kingdom Hearts DS game this week. Think I'll boot it up and hope it captures my interest after I shower and eat. And take my medicine, because my acid reflux is giving me issues. Again.

I'm sure I'll perk myself up today. I just cannot TAKE all this gloom, it's annoying as heck. Someone call the Color Kids, for crying out loud!

Update: Day got better! Passed the HELL out for a good two hours (guess I needed more sleep...) and my bros are home. Had a good time having a nice family dinner and hanging out with them a bit. Plus, IT'S STOPPED RAINING AND BLOWING. The night sky looks quite pretty actually! And I'm enjoying the Kingdom Hearts DS game! Glad things turned around!
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