Poor LiveJournal missed out on my high school life but I'm letting him be a part of collegiate Nikki

Nov 17, 2008 16:40

I have a cold. It's okay for me to complain about it to you, cause you're a journal. It's a bummer! Additionally, I cut myself shaving on my ankle bone and it bled buckets. No kidding. Let me show you.

Yuck! But impressive, no?
I showed three people the wound in real life and they were all freaked out. I bled all over the bathroom floor, cleaned it up, and realized that I had continued making a blood trail while cleaning up the first one.
On the bright side, I'm not the least social person at Eastern Nazarene. There are some people that just don't talk at all. (For the sake of my argument, let's not address the difference between shy and antisocial.) I'm cool by comparison.
Dan might be coming by ENC today after he pays the Toothfairy a visit. What, my Mac doesn't know the word toothfairy?
I want stuff to be good between me and him. Maybe if everything in the world stops going crazy for once, it will be. We'll see.
Also, I want to know why Facebook knows so much about my interests. I didn't tell them, but they always have ads about Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix and Talking Heads. I can kind of understand the first two- it's officially now cool to like both Bob and Jimi, especially Bob after I'm Not There. But who the heck likes Talking Heads other than me and a few 50-year-old friendless freaks? A few other 50-year-old friendless freaks, that is.
I guess that's a no for the Dan situation. Tomorrow.
Here's the thing: I really don't like OAR that much. But I really like their song Program Director. Good job, guys.
Also, I think I'm gonna cut my hair. I'm thinking something like this:

Minus the tattoo. This is also a decent representation of what I'm thinking:

Just not gray. I think it would be fun and exciting, but Melissa, Nate, and almost definitely my mom strongly disagree. Unfortunately for them, it's a pretty sure thing. And fortunately for my self esteem, I'm getting support from 2nd Willy and Kizz!

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