Tell me who we are now, who we are. Where does time go on a wake for young souls?

Jul 08, 2006 18:21

I'm updating this journal so much. It's great. Whenever I use Webshots it's so much faster to do, but I really don't want to just use that instead of Livejournal because... well it's like comparing a photo album to a scrapbook. I think it's just a lot more personal to have a journal than it is to have a slideshow. I like looking at people's Webshots though. But anyway, if someone wants to notice how deep and inspired I am, because I made a similie, now's the time. Good. Thanks.
So I have pictures from Amanda Granillo's beach party that was today. :)

Katie and Tara at a picnic table

Julia in her horse towel, Katie in Melissa's patriotic towel, and Tara in no towel

50c, Lily, Tara, and 0c

Cole, Thleen, Lia, Tin, Ra, and Ly on the beach

Kissy faces requested by... Tara? JULiA, get your face on >:O

Kristin matching a lot. She had a bright pink bikini, lei, and belly button ring. Oh, and shoes!

Lily and the beach. Julia took this one. You can tell because it's so artsy

Tarando, me, and Juliamon. I borrowed Katie's beautiful dress :D

Kizzle has another beautiful polka dot dress :O

Haha Tara and Lily. I don't know what they were doing

JUSTiN CLARK?! Do I even know him?! Green

Taraboohbah limboing. Blue

KatieWainingHerselfOffTheAddictivePainMedication limboing. Purple

Katie and Amanda, the birthday girl :D

Katie, me, and Tara practicing our No Girls Allowed signs

Da Kizzinator and Nizzle herself

Me, Tarooz, and Am G

K McG sporting a lovely piece of LUAU confetti

Nikkerina and Tabooseroni live in the flesh

Tarabobara and Julia Gulia, with a little Brendon in the background

Tara and Julia dancing to Low Rider in the car on the way home

Me and Tara on the ride home
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