(the rest of it's supposed to say "even a CEO could do it")
apparently he can't work his way around a pair of tweezers tho.
is Yahoo! just pulling the first grownups they see off the street and taking a photo, then deciding later what caption to use? this is outrageous. i demand better stereotypes in my pop-up ads.
moving on, happy Christmas Eve eve :P...hee. i'm in a good mood. sick and can't breathe through the left side of my nose...but in a good mood. as i was hoping, last night went well with Kenny...nothing overly special, exchanged gifts & such...he gave me this really pretty watch, but it's too big. :( oh wells, i can always have my dad fix it or something. & we just chilled...i don't wanna use the "c-word", but there was cuddling (hm. and yes, a little bit of the other "c-word" as well, heh). he watched Everwood with me dude. that says a lot...i love him so much. i'm so freakin happy. XD i haven't been able to say that & mean it for a damn long time.
there ya go, another shitty entry for the masses.